WEEK ONE Updates: Main Thread - Awakening Tárrega's Spirit
Hello and welcome to the WEEK ONE Main Thread for this challenge!
Alright my friends - this is the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.
Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
Twice a week between Mai 31st and June 21st, I hope to be reading your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Download the music here! (← click)
Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
I started with Isabel, Valse.
Not very difficult to sight-read and structurally very straight forward. Simple Binary form piece and common harmonic progression.
As I often find with these types of pieces the difficulty lies in the details. Getting the feel of the Viennese waltz is more difficult than it seems.
video coming soon!
Here's my first update, I recorded myself after 1min (!) of practice, after 10min and after 1h!
- One thing you found easy: Following the musical line and find out-of-the-box fingerings for certain passages like the hinge-bar in Line 3, Bar 2 or overall legato solutions in line 2, bar 2. Great fun (but I need to correct some notes, haha).
- One thing you found difficult: Chord Balance and working out the musical contrasts in this gem. I get carried away with performing, but then I get in serious trouble dynamic-especially with the piano-like Sequence in the 3rd line
Hi everyone,
I'm working on Capricho Arabe. I played this a number of years ago, and want to get it back into my repertoire. I always so enjoyed playing it. There are a lot of other pieces too, some I have played and some I have enjoyed hearing others play very much.
Hard: Since I've played this, but it's been quite a while, I really need to go through and make sure that I'm following the music and not making it up from a faulty memory. I also want to play a better version.
Easy: Motivation. I really love this piece.
So far: It's going well. Glad we have 3 weeks to develop!
Hello everyone! Really looking forward to this. I read through several of the pieces recommended; Lagrima, Adelita, Preludes 1 and 5. I decided to work on Prelude number 5. I know it will be difficult for me to make this sound good as having a nice legato is always difficult for me. Always looking for a few tips as I have never had a formal lesson on the guitar.
What did I find easy? I think the opening chord...
What did I find difficult? Everything after the opening chord.
Seriously however, the part that is currently giving me trouble are the chords in measures 3 - 5; especially the crescendo/decrescendo. And again, the A tempo in the last line. I have decided to just have fun with it.
Here is a quick snapshot of my progress with Maria. I have been practicing since Saturday, so I guess that is four days. It's still a bit slower than I'd like, and has a few problem areas. I'm happy to have it pretty well memorized, though. It is just so fun to play!
I am also posting what I find to be the most difficult measure, specifically measure 41 which has a portamento from E to A on the first string. I play it several times slowly in the video. I'd be very interested to hear what Martin or any of you think could improve my playing of it. Right now, I'm only accurately hitting the correct notes about 50% of the time.
Martin - I did watch the video you suggested on shifting and have already begun doing the exercise you gave. Man, that is a killer! I am hopeful that practicing the exercise will help this piece and many others.