(Old Submission Thread, 2020 - Mar 2021) CALL FOR RECORDINGS for upcoming Virtual Masterclass with Mircea Gogoncea
This thread has become too long, and is now therefore closed for submissions. Feel free to use the new thread to submit videos for future virtual masterclasses with me! Same rules as always apply.
Following the success of the first Community Virtual Masterclass on December 13th (<- click to watch), we are once again looking for submissions for the next Virtual Masterclass with me.
A new date and time will be announced once we have 2-3 suitable submissions. So please, go ahead and submit your videos to us by replying to this very thread!
Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis (no deadline), so if yours doesn't make it into this upcoming masterclass, we hope to be able to use it in a future edition.
How Virtual Masterclasses work:
- You send in a video of yourself performing a piece, movement of a piece, or even a passage from a piece.
- Once we have 2-3 submissions, I will run a live stream specifically for you, giving you tailor-made advice for your own playing!
It's like if we were doing an online lesson - except others get to see it and hopefully also benefit from the advice I'm giving you. Here is an example!
It's basically an exact replica of an in-person masterclass: you play for a teacher (in this case through a recording), and they work with you while others watch.
- Have you been watching the live streams and wishing you could ask me a question relating to your playing specifically? Now is your chance!
- Share your music with others and grow by watching them, too.
- It's basically a free online lesson for you!
What must you know?
- It can be something you recorded specifically for this, or a preexisting recording you already have.
- All levels are welcome! My advice will be tailored to your specific level, and in the past, we've worked with everything from beginners to full-on concert players.
- You must be fine with other people watching the video and your performance, as it will be embedded into the live stream itself. I will start and stop it as if we were doing an actual, in-person masterclass.
- I usually spend about 20-35 minutes per submission.
- While I will try to feature everyone, if we get a lot of submissions, your video might not be immediately featured. In that case however, we'll run more of these very soon!
Where and what to submit?
- Submit right here, by replying to this thread!
- You can either attach a video directly from your computer, or paste a link to a YouTube video
- (If you opt to use a YouTube video, it can be unlisted - no need to make it public!)
- Please also attach a link to the sheet music.
Previous virtual masterclasses!
( ↓ click the pictures)
Community Virtual Masterclass no. 1: (Dec 13th, 2020)
All right, this should be it! Looking forward to seeing everyone's submissions!
Haha, that is funny. Originally, I wanted to record "Cavatina" (Myers), then I realized that it was submitted to the first masterclass. My plan was then, to record "Un Dia de Noviembre", tomorrow or Wednesday. I pre-checked that (with a new mic) today, but was not able to finish the recording. Now I read that it will be already in the pipeline by Marek.
I guess, that it would be better to play a different piece, right? Or maybe, contrary, it is useful and of interest to have it in two versions? What is your opinion or advice?
Alternatively, my new idea would be to play either Torija, or something of La Catedral, or HVL Prelude 1 or 3, or Cardoso's Milonga, or Nocturne (Rossen Balkanski), or something different... I have to rethink about it. -
Here is my recording of "Un Dia de Noviembre". Unclean, but I chose to leave it as is. I didn't think much about the technique. I just played the way I felt then. Not very professional approach
I also add a score (Chester Music)
here is my recording of "Milonga", composed by Jorge Cardoso, recorded today (Jan 6, 2021) with my smartphone (unfortunately not with my new mic which I purchased a few days ago, but I think it is ok). Usually, I would have put fresh strings on the guitar since the current ones are rather old, but I wanted and had to do the recording today.
To my person: I play guitar for more than 4 decades now, had lessons as child, and then made further steps self-taught (e.g., by Scott Tennant's "Pumping Nylon" (with a VHS-videoin those times) and such stuff and nowadays by help of online media like this amazing tonebase). I am guitar-addicted.
I hope to see you in the upcoming masterclass here.
Here is the Prelude - Bach Cello Suite #1 - arranged by Stanley Yates
Recorded on iPhone with Shure MV88+ microphone
Edited using SHOTCUT
(I will happily email a copy of the score to Mircea if I am included in the Master Class. I am uncomfortable posting it here - even if noted for educational purposes.)
Thank you for considering this for the Master Class. I know that I am not as advanced a student as some of the other participants.
Martha Kreipke, St. Louis, MO, USA