(Old Submission Thread, 2020 - Mar 2021) CALL FOR RECORDINGS for upcoming Virtual Masterclass with Mircea Gogoncea

This thread has become too long, and is now therefore closed for submissions. Feel free to use the new thread to submit videos for future virtual masterclasses with me! Same rules as always apply.


Following the success of the first Community Virtual Masterclass on December 13th (<- click to watch), we are once again looking for submissions for the next Virtual Masterclass with me.


A new date and time will be announced once we have 2-3 suitable submissions. So please, go ahead and submit your videos to us by replying to this very thread!

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis (no deadline), so if yours doesn't make it into this upcoming masterclass, we hope to be able to use it in a future edition.

How Virtual Masterclasses work:

  1. You send in a video of yourself performing a piece, movement of a piece, or even a passage from a piece.
  2. Once we have 2-3 submissions, I will run a live stream specifically for you, giving you tailor-made advice for your own playing!

It's like if we were doing an online lesson - except others get to see it and hopefully also benefit from the advice I'm giving you. Here is an example!

It's basically an exact replica of an in-person masterclass: you play for a teacher (in this case through a recording), and they work with you while others watch.


  • Have you been watching the live streams and wishing you could ask me a question relating to your playing specifically? Now is your chance!
  • Share your music with others and grow by watching them, too.
  • It's basically a free online lesson for you!

What must you know?

  • It can be something you recorded specifically for this, or a preexisting recording you already have.
  • All levels are welcome! My advice will be tailored to your specific level, and in the past, we've worked with everything from beginners to full-on concert players.
  • You must be fine with other people watching the video and your performance, as it will be embedded into the live stream itself. I will start and stop it as if we were doing an actual, in-person masterclass.
  • I usually spend about 20-35 minutes per submission.
  • While I will try to feature everyone, if we get a lot of submissions, your video might not be immediately featured. In that case however, we'll run more of these very soon!

Where and what to submit?

  • Submit right here, by replying to this thread!
  • You can either attach a video directly from your computer, or paste a link to a YouTube video
  • (If you opt to use a YouTube video, it can be unlisted - no need to make it public!)
  • Please also attach a link to the sheet music.

Previous virtual masterclasses!

( ↓ click the pictures)

Community Virtual Masterclass no. 1: (Dec 13th, 2020)


All right, this should be it! Looking forward to seeing everyone's submissions!

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  • Hello  Mircea , hello everyone!

    I tried to play Cavatina today. This time I brushed my hair and used a proper microphone and a video camera. The ending is not good, but better than the other 80 recordings I made today (a little exaggerating) which made me very exhausted. I always get nervous when approaching the ending while recording, and often make mistakes 😅


    Best regards,


    Like 3
    • Gokce Turkmendag  Beautiful, Gokce?

      Like 1
    • joosje I meant ! Not ?

    • Robert thank you Robert, waiting for your interpretation :)

    • Olli thank you for your nice comment.

    • joosje thank you Joosje 🙂

      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Gokce Turkmendag Great job, thank you so much!!! I am going to feature your video in my upcoming virtual masterclass this Thursday! Hope to see you there!

      Like 1
    • Mircea thank you, looking forward to it!

    • MirceaTeam
    • Head of Guitar
    • Mircea
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Official response
    • Reported - view

    Update: Masterclass announcement!

    Dario, Olli, and Gokce Thank you so much for your submissions!

    Your videos will be featured in our upcoming virtual masterclass this Thursday! Pay attention to the somewhat different start time - I will be going live 2 hours earlier than normal.

    Follow this link for the dedicated thread, and go here to watch the livestream.

    Hope to see you all there! 😁

    Like 1
    • Mircea it is better to be earlier because regular session time is a little bit late in Turkey (10pm). See you on thursday!

      • Dario
      • dario_caruso
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      I cant wait!

      Mircea , can you please replace my record with this new one: https://youtu.be/ar-EXQNJP9M

      I’ve used a better guitar, a real microphone, and I’ve followed some of your previous advises  (maybe is not so clear on the video).


  • Very nice, these masterclasses. I couldn’t attend this one ‘live’, but the recording was there very soon. 👍🏻Enjoyed it and learned a lot again.

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    • Robert
    • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
    • Robert
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi Mircea (and all followers/readers),

    here is my recording for the masterclass.


    We have already watched and listened to the piece performed by others - now here is my version of "Cavatina" by Stanley Myers. I love that piece.
    Regarding the score I am not sure whether I should (or am allowed to) upload it here. It is the "solo version for guitar specially arranged by John Williams". There are some (few) annotations that I made. I know that you, Mircea, have the score. So I will not upload it now but I will do that later if required.

    I look forward to participating in the masterclass.

    Like 2
      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Robert thank you for uploading 👍😉

      Like 1
    • Robert very nice Robert. 

      Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Robert This is great, Robert! No worries, I do already have the score all loaded up and ready 😎 thank you for submitting this!

      We are now only missing one more submission to schedule a new virtual masterclass session very soon - looking forward to this a lot!

      • Robert
      • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
      • Robert
      • 3 yrs ago
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       joosje Olli Mircea  Thanks for your comments. 🙂

      • Robert
      • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
      • Robert
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Mircea With a bit of delay I want to thank you so much for the last masterclass in particular, and also again for the general format of the virtual masterclass. Your observations and comments and recommendations are so clear, detailed, interesting and helpful. They bring me (and I am pretty sure, many or all of us participants) so much forward in playing this wonderful instrument. 🙂👍👋🎉

      Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Robert Thank you so much! So glad to hear, Robert!

    • Olli
    • Mr. Pizza
    • Saitenzwirbler
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello Mircea,


    here is my Recording of "Recuerdos de la Alhambra".


    I tried to give as much tempo as possible...and sometimes I hit the higher string when not playing tremolo on first string. Ok -tempo is not everything, but my (long time) goal ist to play at least at 150 and it would be great to accelerate for short times up to 170bpm...


    I watched the lesson of Artyom Dervoed an practiced like he told. Tempo up to maximum 130bpm doing:

    p a m a, p m a m, p m i m, p i m i, p a i a, p i a i, p i m a and last but not least p a m i.

    After doing this I had the feeling that my tremolo becomes secure and faster.


    I am very interested about you ideas on how I can improve/develop my tremolo technique.

    ( sorry for the poor video quality )


    Thank you very much.

    Best Regards




    Like 2
      • Robert
      • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
      • Robert
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Olli Thanks for this submission, Olli. Well done, and I am also very much interested in answers to your questions. Recently, I had tremolo as topic on Rene's Excerpt Masterclass. Indeed, practicing/playing tremolo on the 1st string is the most "easy" one, because you have free space without no further string adjacent to the 1st string. Therefore, one feels good on 1st string but when it comes to 2nd or 3rd it is worse. So, practicing on 2nd string and having a good tremolo there means more or less automatically having a good tremolo on 1st - but not vice versa, having a good one on 1st does not imply that it is good on the lower strings. As a result, it is recommended to practice on 2nd... However, I do not want to play the role of the teachers here 😬, I am just reporting the main result (for me) from that workshop/masterclass. Helpful for me was/is 1) Pumping Nylon and Scott Tennant here 2) Stephanie Jones here 3) Artyom Dervoed here ... See you at the Masterclass!

      Like 2
      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Robert thank you very much for your posting. Yes, playing tremolo not on the first string is much more difficult because the movement has to come a little bit more from above. I am unsure, if there maybe is a really secret on how to practice and play tremolo. I also know the Tennant, Jones and many other advices on how to practice - but, bringing this to speed is really Challenging. One thing I found very interesting: I watched a youtube Video from Pepe Romero where he explains the idea of not having the metronome click not on the one, but instead of the 2 ! He counts hmm(4)-ba(1click)-da(2)-da(3).... This was totally crazy to practice.... if the melody lies in the tremolo notes, it is always louder and keeps the accompaniment in the background. 

      Hearing different musicians playing recuerdos, I found out some play 1 2 3 4, some others 1 2 3 4 (hmm(4)-ba(1click)-da(2)-da(3)).

      The strangest thing about me practicing tremolo ist the  following fact - i mentioned in the last Tremolo-Workshop with the guest Bokyung Byun. I need a very long time to bring the piece up to speed and having the fingers relaxed so that the speed of tremolo becomes faster. For example - after warming up -  first run 120Bpm(to be really sure not to hurt any fingers/muscles etc), second 130, third 140, an then trying it faster - but this is only possible without Metronome, because some parts really need to be slowed down to not to play scrap.

      I envy every musician who can play nice tremolo and no doubt, I will play this also somewhere in the future - hopefully.

      Do you know the name of this musician ?

      For my mind - this is one of the finest interpretations of that piece...


      Like 2
      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Robert Mircea the first kind is, I think, the most used way to play and accentuate the tremolo. The second way ist, if I am right, the way Pepe Romero told in his Youtube-Video. 

      I am very interested in what you think about ?! Do you use both anyway ?

      Like 1
    • Robert Olli thank you both for your submissions. I’m very much looking forward to the comments and advice from Mircea. You are mentioning these issues we all come across when trying to reach higher levels in our playing.  I hope I can attend the live masterclass.
      the version in Olli’s link is absolutely beautiful.. I think it’s Kyuhee Park, but not sure.
      Here is another performance of Recuerdos by Stepan Rak (from Prague). A totally different and interesting one (imho, although I don’t favour the staccato bass line) Maybe not the most romantic, but very energetic and unique in its technique. Unfortunately you can’t see his right hand, but he is playing pdami. https://youtu.be/I2EXiFzKeZ0

      The advantage of this technique (for training purpose) is that the pinky can work with the fingers in an organic way, and does not block the a finger. Worth a try....

      Like 2
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Olli Thank you so much for your submission! This is sounding great. I can't wait to look at it in more detail soon! This will be featured in my next virtual masterclass.

      With yours and Robert's submission, we are only missing one more person to schedule another virtual masterclass! Can't wait!!!

      Robert joosje wow, thank you for your insightful comments! I am loving this conversation.

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  • Hi Mircea, could I please be included in the next virtual masterclass if there is space? Here is my submission. I would like to focus on the first piece (Bach 998). I will upload my score later. Thanks!

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