Week 4: Complete // Apr 12th
Welcome to Week 4 of the Composition Challenge!
Today's show will be the final didactic livestream of the series! Next week, we will reconvene to enjoy each other's music in the final watch party.
Click here to access the show!
In this livestream, I will not only walk you through all the steps of writing a short piece from beginning to end - I will also be composing in front of you, in real time!
Use this thread to submit the pieces you've been working on and any updates about your process.
See you in the stream!
I too want to start with a huge thank you to you Ashley for this challenge and for helping me achieve something I always wanted to do but never knew how or even where to start!
Thank you too to everyone in the forum for your inspiring compositions, insights and comments.
Although I haven't had much time this week I wanted to share my latest version of Dancing Firecrests - it's by no means finished - I need to make some mods to make it playable, add some dynamics and tidy up the score, but here's what I've done so far. I've totally re-written the A section and made a few tweaks to the B section.
Hi everyone. This week has been quite challenging for me. I had lots of ideas that somehow didn´t want to work together. Yesterday morning, just before loosing my faith, I watched (and listened to) all your pieces, looking for inspiration. And it was like getting a shower. I felt refreshed and got to work again. I saw then that I had been trying to "reinvent the wheel" in the last week. I took a simple idea and squeezed it hard. This idea appeared in Jacob Wagner´s livestream, when he mentioned the typical 2nd interval in the music of Weiss (idiomatic to the baroque lute, and used also by De Visée, the Gaultiers, etc). So I decided to write a simple-diatonic-predictable piece, exploring the possibilities of that 2nd interval. This is the bacground fo my "Hommage to Weiss"( I was tempted to call it "Hommage to Blaise" for his amazing work). So I´m icredibly thankful to you all for sharing your music, and your comments.
P.S. Some of you commented on my piece last week , and for some reason Imwasn´t able to answer you, so I apologize. Ashley asked if I was inspired by Rodrigo´s "Tiento Antiguo". The fact is that I don´t even know the piece (shame on me), so surely I had some Happy Helpers whispering in my ears. Don´t we all?