What's your favorite movie soundtrack?

Dear tonebuddies

We all have that one movie soundtrack that gives us chills every time we hear it. Whether it's the epic orchestral score from your favorite adventure film or the catchy pop tunes from a beloved romantic comedy, movie soundtracks have a unique way of capturing our hearts and imaginations.

This week, we're diving into the world of cinematic music with our Discussion of the Week:

What's your favorite movie soundtrack?

Some of the most memorable and beautiful melodies come from our favorite films, and we want to hear about yours! Share your top picks, discuss what makes them special, and discover new soundtracks to add to your playlist.

🎵 Is it the haunting melodies of "Lord of the Rings"?

🎶 The jazzy tunes of "La La Land"?

🎼 Or perhaps the classic themes from "Star Wars"?

Whatever your choice, we can't wait to hear about it!

Ready to join the conversation?

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow music and movie enthusiasts. Your next favorite soundtrack might be just a comment away!

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    • Eileen
    • Perpetual Guitar Student
    • Eileen
    • yesterday
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    The Godfather. “Speak Softly Love”

    • Peternull
    • Peter.5
    • yesterday
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    The Last Emporer, Downton Abbey, and sorry folks Pretty In Pink, Le Femme Nikita.

    • Ernest
    • Ernest
    • yesterday
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    Dances With Wolves - John Barry

    • Barney
    • Barney
    • yesterday
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    martin   It would be great to have someone with specific experience in this area, teach us how to create beautiful classical guitar arrangements of movie themes.

    Anyone else like this idea?

    Like 1
    • Barney David Jaggs has published solo classical guitar arrangements of 20 famous themes from movies. His performances of all 20 are on YouTube. Perhaps he could be asked how he approaches the task?

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 8 hrs ago
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      John Luffingham martin Great idea John!  Perhaps Martin could ask David Jaggs if he would be interested to providing some training to the guitarists at Tonebase in "Arranging Movie and popular tunes on Classical guitar".  Thanks for letting me know about the book!

    • David
    • David.3
    • yesterday
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    Jeux Interdit     or   Elevator to the Gallows

    • Lars Kjøller-Hansennull
    • Amateur with too little time and bingeplayer with sore arms and fingers
    • Lars_KjollerHansen
    • 14 hrs ago
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    For this Forum my choice must be Vicki Christina Barcelona (Woody Allen) soundtrack. Hearing Granada,in fact  in a rough flamenco version, in that movie made me pull the nylon guitar down from the attic and start to learn Spanish guitar.

    Enjoying Arturo’s Felicidade lesson I just started learning that piece so Black Orpheus must be a runner up .. and Un Dia de Noviembre must count somewhere for every guitarist.

    Other genres: Definitely Soundtrack to Oh Brother where art thou (Coen brothers) Old time/bluegrass

    ……and how about Born to be Wild in Easy Rider.

    • Bart Versteeg
    • Civil law notary with a passion for music
    • Bart_Versteeg
    • 9 hrs ago
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    At this moment: victor’s tale from The Terminal. Mainly a clarinet piece, but our ensemble plays it on a festival in November. Some tricky rhythms in the last part.

  • Oh, great topic ! I have a Spotify soundtrack playlist which I have been curating for some years. Here is the exported list, attached.

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