DAILY UPDATES (Click Me!) Main Thread - Where the magic happens!
Welcome, one and all, to the Main Thread for this challenge!
This is where the magic happens - the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.
Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
Every day between December 6th and 19th, we are hoping to read your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- Landslag you worked on:
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
Sample daily update:
- Landslag you worked on: Landslag no. 1: dark sand dunes with some moss
- One thing you found easy: The first bar was the hardest one for me to learn, although it looked easy enough on my first try.
- One thing you found difficult: I liked that it was a single line; it allowed me to focus on every note and it was much easier to read than most pieces I play.
Feel free to make these updates as short or long as you wish!
Download the full score (click ↓):
Gulli's Lessons for each individual Landslag:
- Landslag no. 1, Landslag no. 2, Landslag no. 3, Landslag no. 4, Landslag no. 5, Landslag no. 6, Landslag no. 7, Landslag no. 8, Landslag no. 9, Landslag no. 10, Landslag no. 11.
Dedicated discussion threads for each Landslag:
- Landslag 1: dark sand dunes with some moss (<- click)
(More dedicated threads will be created as we progress throughout the challenge)
↓ Let's do this! Post your daily updates below ↓
Landslag I worked on: 8
Good fun and nice to work on this technique over the whole song as it helps to firmly put it into the memory. I think I've seen quite a bit of discussion about this song earlier (to many comments to read them all) but perhaps Gulli could have simply explained the counting it would have helped some people.
Kind Regards,
Landslog V
I enjoyed the piece, beautiful and It was short for a Sunday :). I found easy and fun the armonics especially the armonic in the arpeggio
I struggled with the rhythm in this one. Had to go back to the video several times, it did not make sense when I played alone, until I learned. Also the ornaments on the beat or before the beat got me a bit confussed....
Thank you Mircea for reading all the comments!
I had a look at number 8 but I think we are getting to the stage where I could spend weeks getting to grips with this one. Number 7 will probably take some time as well so I am going to concentrate on Landslog 1 to 5 (possibly 6) for the rest of week. I'll take numbers 7 and 8 one cell at a time until I get each one under my fingers and hopefully get it all working in the new year!
- Landslag you worked on: Landslag no. 1: dark sand dunes with some moss
- One thing you found easy: I love to play ascending arpeggios in triplets! And to study the dynamics that flow during the execution of the piece.
- One thing you found difficult: The concern and care in positioning the left hand finger combinations so that they can resonate freely.
- Landslag you worked on: Landslag no. 9
- One thing you found easy: The music once again ebbed and flowed so naturally, and finally, the distinction between melodic voices and others allowed me to do some right-hand preparation! Also, the passage high up was quite easy once I changed the fingerings around a bit.
- One thing you found difficult: I had a bit of a hard time maintaining a steady rhythm as the indication at the beginning of the piece suggests. I felt compelled to underscore certain moments not only through dynamic, but also agogic means. All in all, I don't think it necessarily did the music a disservice, but I realize my heresy in possibly going against the composer's wishes
hope I will be forgiven