Week 2: A World Full of Sound! 🏖

Welcome to the Main Thread for the second week of the "Music from Latin America" challenge! 

What was the first Latin American Piece you have played?

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  • Barrios - Oración (Apr 12 update)

    Thanks to Moyses, I'm using a new fingering for a particularly troubling measure. Overall, this is getting better, with fewer big mistakes. Unfortunately, I played the accompaniment too loudly again in many places.

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    • Eric Phillips It really shows and I liked also the following piece by Barrios, Estilo Uruguayo.  While I would not consider Barrios a composer of the Rio de la Plata since he is from Paraguay, nevertheless he definitely had an affinity for the region and its music, having spent so much time in Uruguay and Argentina.  

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Bravo! It's sounding nice! Good job! While listening I can't perceive the accompaniment too much louder than the melody, maybe one or twice, the rest - for me - it's detached enough.

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    • Moyses Lopes Thanks, Moyses, I appreciate the input.

    • Eric Phillips that sounds so lovely, Eric. I heard some previous takes. It’s really getting there. Not easy at all, you play it with such feeling, sweetness and intensity. Thank you!

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    • joosje Thank you, Joosje.

  • Barrios - Estilo Uruguayo (Luz Mala) Apr 12 update

    Here's another update on this piece. It's a bit better than last time, but still needs much improvement. In general, it needs to go faster, especially in measures 12-19 and 27-37. I also want more dynamic contrast, to make it more dramatic.

    If you're interested, I have attached the score. On the third page, there is an explanation for the title.

    • Eric Phillips This time I read the score along listening, thank you for showing.

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    • Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz Thanks for listening, Stefanie.

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips 

      Muy bien, Eric! "Luz Mala", in Guaraní - a language spoken by some Brazilian indigenous tribes - is "MBoitata", a fiery serpent that cares for the fields against people who burn them. 

      In Portuguese, is the “Fogo Fátuo” (Manuel de Falla has the "Canción Del Fuego Fátuo"), a natural gas phenomenon combustion. The crazy is that if someone runs in a field with that gas, with the air movement these little fireballs will move against the person. Then, is like being persecuted by them... 😉

      Maybe I'm tripping but Barrios can be used this gesture approach in this music... What do you think? Saludos!

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    • Moyses Lopes Yes, I read a little bit about the Luz Mala myself. In English, I understand that it it sometimes called will-o'-the-wisp. I do think that Barrios was trying to capture this in the music.

    • Eric Phillips great piece. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. 

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  • I decided to focus this week on various Estudios by Carlevaro.  Next week I will branch out into some of his other styles and works.  In any case, as you might have surmised, Carlevaro loved writing little studies.  The following are four little studies which he called Estudios Pequeños or sometimes referred to as Primary Studies.  It is not totally clear when he wrote these, but most likely in the 1980s.  

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    • Dale Needles I like that sensible playing very much, thanks for sharing

    • Dale Needles I'm really enjoying all these pieces by Carlevaro. Although I had heard of him, I had never listened to his music before hearing you.

      • Wainull
      • Wai_Ng
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Dale Needles Thank you for sharing. Since I used one of his books when I was young, I am really interested in Carlevaro's work. Joining this community really opened up my eyes. 🤓

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Dale Needles Such pearls, Dave, thank you! These studies fit like a glove in your hands, they are sounding great!

    • Dale Needles very interesting material from master Carlevaro again, and you played them beautifully, thanks Dale!

  • Barrios – Oración

    I think I'll make this my final posting of this piece. As I was getting toward the end, my hands started shaking, and that little voice inside kept saying, "Don't mess it up!" Someday I hope that stops.

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Great! Just need some more time and Voilá! Bravo!

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    • Moyses Lopes Thanks, Moyses!

    • Eric Phillips Bravo, very well played Eric!

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    • Blaise Laflamme Thank you, Blaise!

      • Wainull
      • Wai_Ng
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips That little voice was really scary, wasn't it? 🤣 Especially when I played the 1st half very well, and there was a difficult part waiting for me near the end of the 2nd half, my little voice would keep telling me "it's coming, it's coming, brace yourself, don't mess it up", annoying me like a fly buzzing around my head. As a result, I would always make mistakes before that difficult part because of the distraction...😅

      By the way, I was just listening (without looking at it) to your video this time, your playing was really smooth and the sound was sweet, very well played! 🎉

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    • Wai Thank you very much, Wai. I hate that little voice! It always causes me to mess up on something really easy.

  • Barrios - Estilo Uruguayo (Luz Mala) Apr 14 update

    This is maybe slightly better than the previous time. I tried to add more dynamic contrast. Here is what still needs work:

    • Measures 12-19 I would like to be a bit faster. I get so nervous and shaky anytime I try to play fast material. While I'm playing it, it feels like it's flying by, but when I listen back, it still sounds slow. It's not only difficult for my hands, but for my mind as well. I often have to ask people to slow down when they are talking to me, because I don't process things quickly. It feels that same way when I try to play fast music. I wish I could get to a point where I enjoy playing fast passages, but I really hate it.
    • Measures 27-38 need improvement. My slurs are very inconsistent in their speed and quality. The third note of each slur group has a tenuto marking, and so these notes need to be strong and precise. I know what I want it to sound like, but I can't seem to achieve it with my fingers.
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