WEEK THREE Updates: Main Thread - The Golden Sound of Tárrega

Hellooo, everyone, and welcome to WEEK THREE - the final Main Thread for this challenge! 🤩

Where is the Week 1 and Week 2 thread?

Find the Week 1 thread here and Week 2 thread here!

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Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):

  • One thing you found easy:
  • One thing you found difficult:
  • (Optional): a video of you performing it!
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    • Debbie
    • Debbie
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Here is Lagrima :)

    Like 8
    • Debbie Brava!!!👋

      • Derek
      • Derek
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Debbie well played Debbie. Beatiful interpretation and a nice guitar too!

      • Derek
      • Derek
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Debbie that's good Debbie. Some good videos on there!

    • don
    • don.2
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Martin thanks for doing this. I managed to learn 2 new pieces in these 3 weeks.

    Prelude 1 I had some challenges with the slides but think with time can be improved.

    Prelude 5, biggest issue is the tempo again with time can be improved. 

    Again thanks for this challenge otherwise, I would never heard of this 2 pieces which are beautiful by the way.

    Like 4
    • don bravo. You did a great job on both pieces. I like the tempo. Dont need any faster. The melodies are clear and smooth. 👋👋👋

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      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 3 yrs ago
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      don great work, learning two complete pieces in just three weeks is awesome 😉

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      • don
      • don.2
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Olli joosje thanks! I normally take longer to learn a new piece but since this is a challenge I wanna use this to motivate myself to learn new music. It helps that they are such beautiful pieces. 

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    • don Good work, Don! Two gorgeous pieces of music!

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    • don great work Don, you learned them pretty fast!

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    • don Very good 👋

    • Olli
    • Mr. Pizza
    • Saitenzwirbler
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hello Community, this piece is very tricky. It took me maybe 3 Hours to get all fingerings done and paint the handle-images above the musical-notes. I found out that those handle-images speed up my learning process very much.

    After two hours of nearby nonstop playing I was really sure, one day is not enough to bring this piece on performance level 😂. So I decided to record my progress and play through the whole piece in a very slow practice-speed. I will keep on practicing it in the following week and hopefully the piece grows in future time.

    • One thing you found easy: Listening to that piece when other players perform it 😉
    • One thing you found difficult: The fingerings are not so easy, some great stretching and Barree are necessary - the piece needs much time to grow.



    Like 4
  • Greetings to all.

    I have enjoyed learning 'Tango' over the past 3 weeks.

    I choose this piece because I have heard my Dad play since forever and I always remember my Mum saying its one of her favourites. My Dad is stuck abroad since covid situation so we're missing him imensely. I tried to get this sentiment into the notes by taking on a conversational phrasing between a lady and man. Not sure if I have quite pulled this off yet but - my Mum loves the video and so everyones happy!

    I am adding my take on "Gran Vals" which I started learning before the challenge but which has benefited from the wisdom of Tonebase. The Ali Arango Lesson on Gran Vals is outstanding! and his album: Tárrega Mangore and Chopin meet in Havanna is well worth a listen.

    Thanks everyone for all you sharing and inspiring.

    Like 5
    • Jaime Zaldua wonderful ! such beautiful tone. I liked every bit of it. great performance Jaime 👋👋👋

      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jaime Zaldua wow, amazing work, thank you for sharing your wonderful interpretations

      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jaime Zaldua where are you settled down ?

    • Jaime Zaldua Those are sounding great, Jaime! I hope you and your family are doing okay. Beautiful music sure helps me in tough times.

    • Jaime Zaldua beautiful Jaime, your playing is alive and sensitive, always great to listen to you!

    • Jaime Zaldua Very good, I really like your way of playing👋👋

      • Derek
      • Derek
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jaime Zaldua That's 3 weeks we'll spent Jaime. It's wonderful.

    • Dee
    • didier.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi all,


    Here is a video of lagrima in its entirety. My phone captured the « squeaks » of the strings with a terrible cruelty! 
    Inspired by some of your videos, I tried to play with some « phrases » instead of keeping the rhythm steady and even. Trying different ways to play and pause was actually very enjoyable!

    i would like to thank you all: I am studying without teacher for now, and I started to understand a bit more about the interpretation thanks to this challenge and to your videos.


    one easy thing: I really enjoyed putting some pauses, some accelerations, etc to make the piece a bit more alive

    one difficult thing: playing legato, keeping the phrases fluid! And avoiding the squeaaaaaaks!



    Like 3
    • Didier bravo Didier. Good job. Very musical, with the accelerando and  ritardando you make it lively indeed. Well done. Good tempo, nice tone as well… 👋

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