Sorting music on a tablet

I use forescore to sort music on my iPad and it is great. I have a friend who uses an android tablet but they are unsure what program to use to organise the pdfs. Any suggestions?

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  • I use Orpheus and it gets the job done. 

    • RENATO
    • RENATO
    • 8 mths ago
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    for android I use Mobile sheets pro. It´s great

  • MobileSheets Pro. I agree with Renato, it's great.

    • Tony Gunia
    • Retired IT Java App Server Administrator
    • Tony_Gunia
    • 8 mths ago
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    Going digital sees like a way to go.  Any recommendations on a good size Android or Windows tablet to use?  Thanks.

    • Tony Gunia I have used a large screen Samsung tablet for a few years and think it works quite well. It's 11 or 12 inches, I forget, but big enough. It came with a pen-like device which I use for making markings in the scores in MobileSheets. Fingerings, that sort of thing. 

    • Tony Gunia I've used an Android 10.1 inch tablet and while manageable is a strain to read while playing (I wear reading glasses btw).

      I've since got an Android Galaxy Tab 9 plus which is 11 inches and it's great as it has a screen ratio size of 16:10 - I crop the borders (which Mobilesheets does well) and the score takes up almost the entire screen.

      An important consideration with tablets for reading scores is the screen ratio as most have a ratio of 16:9 so a sizeable area is lost when viewing A4 size documents as the paper size ratio is about 15.8:11 so try to get a tablet with a ratio of 16:10 or above (imo).

      I chose the Tab 9 plus because it is relatively cheap ($AU277), has good resolution and is easily powerful enough for my needs but if you have the cash, a tablet around 12 inches would be better.

      • Tony Gunia
      • Retired IT Java App Server Administrator
      • Tony_Gunia
      • 8 mths ago
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      Mehmet Thank you very much for that advice.  I will definitely look for an 11" or 12" tablet with the ratio of  16:10 or above. 

    • Tony Gunia
    • Retired IT Java App Server Administrator
    • Tony_Gunia
    • 8 mths ago
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    Thanks...will look in to that.

    • Immanuel
    • Immanuel
    • 8 mths ago
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    Thanks for the suggestions everyone. really appreciate it.

  • Same, forescore.

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