WEEK ONE Updates: Main Thread - Awakening Tárrega's Spirit
Hello and welcome to the WEEK ONE Main Thread for this challenge!
Alright my friends - this is the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.
Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
Twice a week between Mai 31st and June 21st, I hope to be reading your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Download the music here! (← click)
Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
Here is an update of me playing the wonderful but challenging measure 41 of Maria. After some wonderful tips from Martin (see video above) I am now able to play it much better. I did change my fingering, but I am mostly concentrating on lifting my wrist and moving it intentionally and fluidly toward the destination in the glissando. I can now play the measure accurately and repeatedly at a slow tempo. I'm still working on bringing it up the speed and then incorporating it into the rest of the piece. I'm very happy, though, with this progress. This is a measure of music that had almost gotten me depressed because I wondered if I could ever do it. Now with Martin's help, I feel like it is an obstacle that I will overcome, which feels great! Thank you, Martin!
Dear community members,
it is wonderful to see and hear how great you all are playing during that challenge! Congartulations! I am looking forward to the progress with your and Martins help. Unfortunately I had almost no time this week, but now I at least managed to record Lagrima and Adelita. These pieces seem to be common ground for the most, but not for me ;-) ...
I think it isn´t easy at all to play these pieces with a good sound and feeling, but I work on it, I promise!
All the best,