WEEK ONE Updates: Main Thread - Awakening Tárrega's Spirit
Hello and welcome to the WEEK ONE Main Thread for this challenge!
Alright my friends - this is the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.
Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
Twice a week between Mai 31st and June 21st, I hope to be reading your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Download the music here! (← click)
Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
Hi Martin,
this challenge came at the right time. I was watching the lesson on Prelude no 1 and immediately love it. I was thinking to learn this some point in the future (like so many other pieces but ended up not doing anything about it). This is a timely push to learn it now.
Gonna start on this today.
Working on: Prelude 1
Easy: Music not complicated to read, the rhythm seems not overly complicated
Hard: I'm sure there will be tons of difficult parts once I get into it.
Hello Martin and everybody, I have started also by the first prelude. It is a beautiful piece, I have just watched the tonebase lesson by Andrea de Vitis and I am following his suggestion of avoiding slurs in order to preserve the right balance in volume of the appoggiaturas and the legato in the piece. Also because sometimes my slurs sound a bit too much (unpredictable) mainly when I slur into an open string. Martin I remember you played parts of it so beautifully in the slow pieces seminar. Do you do the slurs? So far I have prepared in very slow practice bars 1 to 18, I will not go any further and will practice them for a couple of days.
Difficult maintaining the legato mainly at the chords successionEasy : So far positions are not too demanding
Started revising prelude no. 1 and the prelude(s?) Endecha-Oremus
endecha is a Canción triste y de lamento, for funerals, I understand. And oremus, means praying, so they go together, but were they written as one piece? Is there a story behind? Anyway, they represent the sadness in my heart as I must leave Prague and many dear friends .....
easy: technically not complicated and I studied the pieces before. Long time ago, with Srdan Tosic, eminence grise of the Belgrade CG world.
difficult: a clean phrasing and legato, consistent fingering for Oremus, clean harmonics at the end of prelude 1