What Guitar do you play?

What is the instrument of your choice? 
I play a Paco Santiago Marin - XXX Anniversario! This guitar has been with me all my university years, and I have learned so much on this instrument! It has a lot of marks, so I intend to have my top redone within the following years, but I am still in love with the sound of this instrument! But it also has its shortcomings. It’s not very easy to play, guitars with a more modern approach require much less effort!
Feel free to share a picture of your beauty! 
For years I played a 1978 Ramirez copy made in Japan. Brazilian rosewood and solid cedar top. I still play it. A year or two ago I bought a guitar off Craig's list made by Gustavo Arias in Paraguay. Indian rosewood and spruce top. I paid roughly 1/3 of what they sold for from the maker. A few months ago I got a Teodoro Perez, Madrid Spain. Indian and cedar. Made in the actual shop by Teodoro or one of his sons, not sub-contracted out. It projects like a cannon. I played it a lot for a few weeks. It's been ridden hard and is currently at the fancy luthier's shop getting fixed up. Got it from an estate sale for a few hundred bucks.
I've had this guitar for 8-9 years and doubt I'll ever need or want another. 1993 Robert Ruck, Brazilian/cedar. You can see/hear my teacher play it at www.duhagon.com.