Fernando Sor Mini Challenge 🙋‍♂️

Hey tonebuddies! 🎶

We're super thrilled to announce a community challenge that will tickle the strings of all you classical guitar enthusiasts! The Fernando Sor Challenge, a deep dive into the exquisite world of classical guitar compositions, brought to life through a fantastic upcoming livestream with the remarkable Eduardo Fernandez! Inspired by Fernandez's upcoming performance, we thought it would be incredible to resonate his works through our own interpretations! 🎸

🌟 The Challenge: 🌟

We invite you to record and upload a video of yourself performing a composition by the legendary Fernando Sor. Immerse yourself in the soundscapes of classical guitar and share your unique talent, passion, and skill. Let's unite to appreciate and celebrate the multifaceted world of Sor's classical guitar.

📹 How to participate: 📹

Record a video of yourself performing a Fernando Sor composition. Upload your video to your chosen platform (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, etc.). Share the link to your video in the comments section below. Don't forget to add a brief description about your chosen piece and what makes it significant to you.

Bonus Points: Share a link to your favourite Fernando Sor composition performed by a master!

🤝 Interact and engage: 🤝

Don't miss the opportunity to engage with your fellow tonebuddies members! Show your support by leaving comments, constructive feedback, and appreciation for their performances. Let's inspire each other to delve deeper into the world of Sor's music.

🏆 Reward: 🏆

While there isn't a physical prize, the reward lies in the opportunity to highlight your talent, gain valuable feedback, and forge connections with other like-minded guitar lovers who have an affinity for Sor's music. Who knows? You might even strike a chord with new friends!

💡 Need inspiration? 💡

If you're a newcomer to Fernando Sor's music, fear not! Tune into the upcoming livestream with Eduardo Fernandez for an incredible journey into Sor's compositions. Let his interpretations guide you and spark your imagination.

Find more tutorials here:


🎶 On your marks, get set, practice! 🎶

We are incredibly excited to witness your fantastic renditions of Fernando Sor's compositions. Let's come together and truly immerse ourselves in the magical world of classical guitar!

Happy practicing, tonebuddies! 🎉

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  • I have never played or even listened to Sor that much. So I took this challenge to explore some of his works and see what everyone else in the community is loving to play from him!

    about 5 days ago I started learning the Etude op.35 n.18 and it took me some time to learn the score and play it reasonably from beginning to end so I can do this first recording (I am ashamed of doing so, but posted also in the new Etude Challenge so I can track my improvement: https://guitar-community.tonebase.co/t/60h42fl/week-1-etude-entree)


    I notice that I am struggling to memorize the piece. I confuse the sequence and some variations. As I get lost in thoughts sometimes trying to remember what comes next, it creates a bareer to focus on executing the notes clearly. So there is a lot of conflict haha I guess this comes with practice. I'll try to post another video soon to see the progress.

    I want to work more on some chord jumps with more proficiency so I can play a more continuous and clear melody. I am trying to have that tackled first so I can improve the musicality and also work on the Tempo.

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    • Posting my take 3 for the Sor Op.35 n.18 Study.

  • Hi Eric Phillips thanks! There is a lot of work to do. I watched the TY Zhang course and got a lot of positive tips that I'll work on once I get more fluent and am able to play with a more consistent flow.

    Good tip on not being so strict with trying to memorize. I noticed I play better if I go into what I think the piece goes in my mind instead of playing exactly. Almost like improvising and taking my own ways until I get it right 😄 I'll keep that in mind. I'll try to post another video in two days.

    I am trying to be more present here too and try to get more interactions with y'all!

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  • Andante Pastorale Op 32 No 3

    Here is the next piece in this opus I am working on. I played this piece for a challenge this past Christmas, so it is not new to me. When I listened to my final recording of it in December, it was dreadfully slow, so this time, I'd like to increase the tempo a bit. I botched the coda, unfortunately. I will need to continue working on this.

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  • Andante Pastorale Op 32 No 3 (final version)

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      • David Krupka
      • Amateur guitarist/lutenist
      • David_Krupka
      • 1 yr ago
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      Eric Phillips Beautiful, Eric! The tempo seems just right now. It's really an outstanding little piece - I love how Sor introduces so much harmonic movement into something basically quite simple.

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    • David Krupka Thank you, David!

      • Ernesto
      • Ernesto.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Eric Phillips Great job! 

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  • Eric, first time i heard this piece, we’re well payed and good tempo ….its a pleasure to listen you…..cool…

    by the way , what gear do you use for recording??


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    • JUAN ALONSO Thanks, Alonso! I am not very tech savvy, and I hate spending money, so I just use a very simple setup. I have a Samson USB mic that I bought for $40. I record using the video camera on my laptop computer. For about a year now, I have also been separating the sound from the video using VLC, adding reverb to the sound with Audacity, and then editing them back together using DaVinci Resolve. It’s all free software, and I am no expert. It was a pain figuring out how to do all that, but it did make the sound better. I have done it so much now that I can almost do it with my eyes closed.

      martin has given several livestreams about recording that many people here find helpful. Most of it goes way over my head though.

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  • I’m still on holiday, sort of road trip/family visits,. So, little time for practice and recording, although I brought my guitar (of course).  Whenever I have WiFi I try to follow some of your amazing TB submissions . So inspiring.

    This morning I found this little study from Sor’s op. 31, which I never saw or heard before, how is it possible? Recorded with my Samsung by the open window. I had the phone very close and now you hear the breathing, sorry for that.

    I decided to post it here and not in the studies challenge, for it’s not really about technique. I just liked the melody so much… 

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    • joosje Beautifully played, Joosje! This one is a nice alternative to the more often played Op 35 No 22.

    • joosje Beatiful melody and study.....remind me Op 35 No 22.....Bravo 

      • ivan paolonull
      • amateur guitarist
      • ivan_paolo
      • 1 yr ago
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      joosje Your breathing mirrors the breathing of the music, combined with a soft and fully touch , it involves emotionally. Thank you

  • Hello to all, I,m posting Minueto Opus 11 Number 6 .....I just recordered if for the first time (after some weeks of practising).....I hope you like it......

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    • JUAN ALONSO Love it, Juan! This whole opus is spectacular, and number six is a great show piece. My favorite version of it is by Pavel Steidl- I love the tone colors and flourishes he adds.

    • Ernesto
    • Ernesto.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    Late to the challenge, but the Galop of Op 32...


    Plenty of string stopping!

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    • Ernesto Great jobs, Ernesto! You really gave it that short, almost anxious articulation needed for this piece. And the video is looks and sounds very good.

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  • Though I would post an update on some video practice I've been doing on Sor's Fantasia in E Minor, Opus 21 (“Les Adieux”).  Trying to play with a bit more expression given the musical drama of this superb piece!  Grew a beard to help me along. 

    Sections 1 & 2

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    • Rick Lord That is sounding so good, Rick! Just a few measures to go. You play it with such a wonderful sense of drama, like you are telling a story.

      And welcome to the Beard Club. Dues are payable to me! 😁🧔

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      • Ernesto
      • Ernesto.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Rick Lord Great job! The phrasing is deep and calm. Looking forward for the resolution/acceptance.

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    • Eric Phillips Thanks Eric. Glad to be in the club of the bearded. 

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    • Ernesto Thanks for listening. "Les Adieux" seems to capture Sor's compositional style so well.

      Like 1
    • Rick Lord brilliant! 

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