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Re: Fernando Sor Mini Challenge
@joosje Your breathing mirrors the breathing of the music, combined with a soft and fully touch , it involves emotionally. Thank you
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
1 yr ago
Mini Challenges!
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Re: Snowflight by Andrew York
@Lawrence Ciao Lawrence, Andrew York is, as composer, guitarist and performer, together with the late Roland Dyens, a beacon of my musical career as an amateur.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
2 yrs ago
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Re: Dress Rehearsal for the 3rd tonebase Community Concert
Hi Martin, I'm currently studying by A. York "By Candlelight" and "Studio n.16 " by D.Salvetti so if is possible, I'll play only for the community concert 9 april, one of these pieces,…
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
2 yrs ago
Live Calendar
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Re: WEEK 1: Discovering J.S.Bach!
@Nora Torres-Nagel Brava Nora, I too will join you with this bourré by the end of the month.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
2 yrs ago
Month of J.S. Bach!
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Re: WEEK 1: Discovering J.S.Bach!
@Eric Phillips Bravo, great job, I like your playing.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
2 yrs ago
Month of J.S. Bach!
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Re: WEEK 1: Discovering J.S.Bach!
@Jack Stewart it is clear that Bach comes from a long experience, my compliments. bravo.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
2 yrs ago
Month of J.S. Bach!
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Re: WEEK 1: Discovering J.S.Bach!
@Jack Stewart Great work on a very chellenging pieces, they are under your fingers and darkness is inspiring...bravo.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
2 yrs ago
Month of J.S. Bach!
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Re: Gaspar Sanz - Folias
Hi Wai good job, I only have a suggestion about the last part from 1:19 :I would put the accent in different ways, only on the first of the sextets and not every triplet ...what do you think?
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
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Re: WEEK 4: Homenaje a la Guitarra
@Jack Stewart Thank you for your kind comment. Wai and Steven have recorded their take and sent them to me; than I played my take listening to them and finally I tryed to mixed the all with…
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Exploring Music from Spain
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Re: WEEK 4: Homenaje a la Guitarra
F.Sor Op. 35 n. 22 arr. Hirokazu Sato for two guitars The Last but not the Least.. Here there are two Virtual Duo on H. Sato arranegments. The first is a Preludio form and is played by the wonderful…
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Exploring Music from Spain
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Re: WEEK 3: El Canto de la Guitarra
@Blaise Laflamme I took a towel to experiment with DaVinci cromakey but I haven't figured it out yet, but I don't despair of succeeding.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Exploring Music from Spain
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Re: WEEK 3: El Canto de la Guitarra
@Lars Kjøller-Hansen Bravo! This is a professional performance. I like it very much. My Congratulations.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Exploring Music from Spain
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Re: WEEK 3: El Canto de la Guitarra
Spanish Romance (Romanza o Jeux Interdits etc.) Hello everyone, I took two weeks of rest because the assiduous study of the preparation of the pieces for the last Concert had caused me inflammation…
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Exploring Music from Spain
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Re: Welcome to tonebase!
Ciao Stefano vivo a Rimini, lo possiamo considerare vicino al nord Italia?
Ho visitato molte volte il Trentino Alto Adige, andavo a fare sci di fondo nella meravigliosa Alpe di Siusi,…
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
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Re: Snowflight by Andrew York
@Emma Thank you. I really appreciated your kind words.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
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Re: River Once - Roni Glaser - movement 2
Ciao Roni, good work. Your piece remember to me the indian music for sitar (eg Ravi Shankar)
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
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Re: Nora's practice diary "Recuerdos de la Alhambra"
Well done Nora you are doing a good job. Calmly I'm also studying tremolo, and Recuerdo in particular. This for me is "the" speed of the song, at least I want to play it like this.…
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Your Practice Diary
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Re: Ballet by Ponce
Brava Emma, good work. I like very much the Ponce' Ballet and soon or later I'll put under my fingers. See you at the Concert.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
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Re: Week 3: Music is Music!
@Eric Phillips I think you are on the right track, this is a music that is anything but simple. I love A. Rubistein's version, which is also heard on YT.…
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Playing Transcriptions Challenge!
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Re: Week 3: Music is Music!
@don I think you are doing a good job. I also agree on the method, that is: after a period of study, abandon the piece and let it "mature" within us, to then resume it after some time,…
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Playing Transcriptions Challenge!
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Re: Week 3: Music is Music!
@joosje Well done.Thanks for sharing music and the notes too. I love this piece and I've the A.Diaz and D.Russel sheets, but I've never start to study it. I like your gentle sound.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Playing Transcriptions Challenge!
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Re: Week 3: Music is Music!
@Eric Phillips I am familiar with this composition by Chopin, known as the "Funeral March". It is a very intense and sad song. With all due respect to you Eric,…
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Playing Transcriptions Challenge!
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Re: Week 3: Music is Music!
@Blaise Laflamme Yes, I applied with reaper to my zoom h4n recording's file, the normalization and limitation procedure shown by Martin in the last live on home recording and as far as you tell me,…
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Playing Transcriptions Challenge!
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Re: Week 3: Music is Music!
@don I know Kaori Muraji's version, and I really like it. Keep it up, you're doing a good job.
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Playing Transcriptions Challenge!
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Re: Interactive Masterclass with Mircea Gogoncea
@Beatriz Click under the title of this page go to the live see the link in the chat copy and past on pc...
ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
3 yrs ago
Live Calendar
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ivan paolo
amateur guitarist
Rimini - Italy
Joined: Mon Jan 11 09:37:17 UTC 2021
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