BYWEEKLY UPDATES (Section Two, Main Thread) - Submissions, Questions & Discussion
Welcome to the Main Thread for the second section of Santiago de Murcia's "Marizápalos"!
- Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
- Watch the prerecorded kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
- Watch the Section Two Livestream for help with the new section!
Every day between February 23th (Week 1 stream) and March 16th (watch party), we are hoping to read your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- Section you worked on:
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions
Section I worked on: Measures 74-144
Something I found easy: Reading the notes at the first time was easy, also not many crazy trills and position changes
Something I found difficult: Right hand fingering was a little confusing. I was usually changing when playing, very dangeorus I know. Still have time to stabilize it.
We were called back to our offices last wednesday, no more working at home
I don't have enough time for practising in weekdays anymore, only after dinner. So I had to record it today, although I don't feel ready enough.
I cheated in the recording, you will absolutely notice from my new position, increased tempo, light change and the finished drink on the table
Still struggling with this. I have now decided to split it into smaller chunks and work on each one of these instead of trying to do too much. I've been working on bars 73 to 91 trying to understand the piece thoroughly. It seems to be going well so hope to post a recording of these tomorrow and continue working on bars 92 to 108 which hopefully will be ready to record on Tuesday.
- Section you worked on: bars 74-144
- One thing you found easy: holding the Instrument
- One thing you found difficult: everything else...the piece needs so much time to develop...every time I let my mind flow, my fingers play the wrong notes ... this piece is really fun to play but also needs much more time to be played very fine
I used to play on my Liuto-forte, this sounds a whole tone higher than notated - but I think the "silverness" in sound gives a very special charme to the piece ( I hope so :o) ....
Section 2 ( 73-144)
what I found easy, we agree nothing is really easy when you you dive into the details
what I found really difficult: get the music so light and flowing as I imagined it. I keep therefore the capo, so, like Olli, I also pay a whole tone higher. Especially in the last segment ( bar 134-135) this VII th position is a bit uncomfortable
for the L hand.
I transposed a few notes , mainly in the 5th variation, following the options given in the manuscript (4th and 5th baroque strings sounding 8va higher.)
My thoughts on adding trills and diminutions to these variations: the composer created such inspiring musical lines, with developing rhythmic patterns. I prefer to play those ‘clean’ and to add only on the resting points. Although I appreciate it a lot when I hear others play more elaborate ornamentation. Dutch austerity?