WEEK 3: Dóbry wétscher (Good Evening)!
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the Nikita Koshkin challenge! This is the place for the Week 3 Submissions!
- Make sure you've read the guidelines before replying (<- click)
- Watch the kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
- Get the Scores Here
If you want to describe your process (optional), feel free to use the following template.
- Things you found easy:
- Things you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions
Ok here's #10... my last submission for this challenge! It was by far the most difficult I've been working on out of the #1 to #6. I wanted to memorize it while slowly learning it and then once fingers were secured attempt to speed it up... I mostly succeeded the first but failed at the second... I would need another week to reach the speed it needs... Martin I challenged you, then I challenged myself
Hello everybody, for the last week I have been looking at the week 2 thread and wondering why there were no new postings! Today I watched all the new posts in the tight thread and they are very good.
I have been working very hard on studies 3, 4, 5, although I have not been so active recording myself, only no 3 and it is already commentedStudy 4 is well memorised and still find new things to improve so I keep delaying my recording. It is beautiful and in these 3 weeks my bars and slurs have improved a lot.
Study 5: beautiful. It is also memorised and ready to be improved and improved. In this one, it took me longer than usual finding the phrases and the melodic line.
thank you so so much Mr Koshkin for giving us these challenging, beautiful, different and very didactic studies. Thank you Martin, Tonebase for making these available and your support, and special videos and to the challengers of the ring for the inspiration and encouragement!
it has been an incredible challenge -
Is everybody excited for today's Watch Party? You better be, because both Nikita AND Marina will participate to watch some of your submission of this challenge and of course be there for the Award Ceremony of this Challenge!
Additionally, I would like you to fill out this survey to gain more insights into your Live and Community Activities! The survey is anonymous! -
Hello guys, hope you're all okay! Well, I couldn't resist to post something for this challenge, Koshkin's Etudes are amazing! I wanted to post the videos sooner but an unexpected presentation came and I had to give priority to it
So here I'm playing nr. 4 and 6, wanted to do nr. 5 as well but I couldn't find the time, nay I almost could do the Study #4
Study 4:
- What I found easy: mostly the fingerings and barrés, although I'll keep on working on the barrés.
- What I found difficult: The starting descending arpeggio
It's a little hard for me to get those 16th notes quite precise.
Study 6:
- What I found easy: Again, the fingerings are great here!
- What I found difficult: Mostly the shifts for the left hand and the short notes in the bass at the beginning.
... Sorry for the poker face...
Barney Blaise Laflamme joosje
Hey guys, I finally managed to record a video where I talk about how I approached the staccati in Study #10 ! As usual, there is no perfect solution, but applying both left and right hand techniques as well as musical effects will create the illusion of a very accented staccato even on adjacent strings!
Martin Blaise Laflamme Hey guys, I didn't have time during the challenge to start on this study, but was so impressed by the way both of you played it, I figured I'd give it a try. It is not memorized and polished like yours, and there are some mistakes in this take. I wanted to do enough work on it to at least benefit from the study's intended purpose. Please let me know your thoughts and if I'm on the right track. Thanks!