DRESS REHEARSAL for the tonebase Community Concert

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! Follow us as we show you the way into the tonebase concert hall, the place where you will perform on December 4th! Everything is still new and shiny, the curtain smells fresh and the chairs do not squeak!

We proudly present the Dress Rehearsal for the tonebase community concert! 🎉🥳🚀 The stage is all yours and with this private livestream we get acquainted with our virtual concert hall!

Answer via a reply to this thread in order to reserve a spot with the piece and its approx. duration. The choice of repertoire is totally up to you! You want to play an etude from some of the last community challenges? A piece you've recently worked on for an interactive class? Or something completely different? Let us know!

  1. Barney 
    Fernando Sor - Study #5 in B minor 
    Joaquim Malats - Serenata Espanola
  2. Eric
    Heitor Villa-Lobos - Prelude #5 (5min)
  3. Martin
    Francisco Tárrega - Lagrima & Recuerdos de la Alhambra (5min)
  4. Derek
    Hans Haug - Alba
    Mauro Giuliani - Andante in C (or Dowland)
  5. Emma
    J.S.Bach - Gavotte 1&2
  6. Rick
    J.S.Bach BWV1007 - Allemande
  7. Jorge
    Phillip Houghton - Ophelia... a haunted sonata (11m)
  8. Calin Lupa
    J.S. Bach BWV 999 - Prelude in C minor
  9. Brooke
    Roland Dyens - Tango en Skai
  10. Ivan Paolo
    Mario Giuliani: Maestoso(op.1 n.1),
     A.York Penny Pincher
  11.  Nora
    Alonso Mudarra - Fantasias
    Atahualpa Yupanki - La estancia vieja

  12. Vilio
    Anonymus - Romance
  13. Bill Young
    Dilermando Rei: Se Ela Perguntar
    Dilermando Rei: Eterna Saudade (tentative)
  14. Jack Stewart
    Weiss - Fantasia

(more spots will be added if required)

What do I need?

We are going to use ZOOM (←click to download) for the tonebase Community Concert. In order to have the best audio quality, you can activate the option to Preserve Original Soundhere you find the documentation on how to activate that. It's best to use headphones with when the Original Audio Option is enabled.


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    • Daniel Beltránnull
    • Student at the Universidad de Los Andes in Mérida
    • Daniel.3
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi Martin! Can I still have  a spot? I would play Aire de Merengue and Lachrimae Pavan. The duration is around 7 minutes.  

      • Daniel Beltránnull
      • Student at the Universidad de Los Andes in Mérida
      • Daniel.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Daniel Beltrán Ok, Sorry Martin , I just saw your comment on closing more entries to the dress rehearsal. Anyway, I'll still update you guys through my Practice Diaries 👍

      Like 1
      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      You can still come to the Dress Rehearsal and listen, and if we have enough time, you can perform of course!

  • Hello! I’m looking forward to the concert and getting involved in the future. I’ve been really busy with the New Jersey Guitar Orchestra and trying to get the NYC guitar orchestra back up and running again so I apologize that I haven’t been to active here lately 

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      David Chidsey Looking forward to have you in our next concert, but please come to the Dress Rehearsal or the concert on December 4th anyway! 🥳

    • martinTeam
    • LIVE
    • martin.3
    • 2 yrs ago
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    THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH, YOU ARE THE BEST!!! 🚀🎉✨All of you did so great, I am so proud of this warm and welcoming community filled with love and music and awesome people like you! This was a great Dress Rehearsal and I am SO excited for the tonebase Community Concert on Dec 4th! 🥳


    Let me know how you felt on the virtual stage!

    Brooke Nora Torres-Nagel Bill Young Blaise Daniel Beltrán David Chidsey David Derek Emilio León Emma ivan paolo Jorge Saskia Kiting  Rick Lord Roni Glaser Shemuel B Israel Vilio Celli Barney Bill Young

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    • Martin Thank you to you all! I’m so sorry I could not stay to hear everyone play.

       At first, I honestly felt pretty calm. It was hard to focus on the music, but I was at least calm. Then a few mistakes happened, I felt my hands get tense, and then more and more mistakes. At one point, I remember thinking, “Oh well, I’ve blown it, so I might as well just keep playing.” Thankfully I pulled it together again for the reprise of the A section.

       Thank you, Martin for all your coaching and organization, and thank you to all who played and/or listened.

      Like 1
    • Martin I felt great. Really enjoyed the dress rehearsal today. We should have bimonthly Zoomed performance like this. I have been doing Zoom performance since the pandemic so I am a bit used to it. My tempo was a bit slow although I turned on the metronome right before my turn but still slower. C’est La vie!   Bill

      Like 1
      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Martin Thanks very much for hosting this recital, Martin. I felt pretty disappointed (understandably) in my performance but that is actually ok. This is a first step in a process and provides me information as to how to proceed. I intend to rerecord the Weiss Fantasia  - sort of in the spirit of "if you get thrown from the horse get back on."  

      • Daniel Beltránnull
      • Student at the Universidad de Los Andes in Mérida
      • Daniel.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Martin Thanks Martin! It was great! Learned a lot with my performance, personally, and had a lot of fun playing. And enjoyed everyone's interpretation as well 😄  😎

    • Martin I was very dissapointed with my performance...although I was "quite confident, let's say in alert state but quiet" until the first note sound...and my hands were both sooo insecure, shaking, the sound horrible! almost a surprise...like a bad dream....Then I stopped and began again with the Fantasias almost with a feeling of furiosity! I was very upset with my nervous system but I wanted to play it. I did not enjoy at all the music but remained focused, targetting all my energy to achieve the end. And I did. By the milonga my hands were more quiet and I tried to sing with the nice music even after the mistakes...my feeling was a little better...but...I think my performance for the Fantasias  was like 10-30% of what I was doing in the practice room, and the milonga maybe...30-60%...? difficult to be objective.

      By the way I would like now to hear my performance ...could not be possible to record the concerts and to send the respective parts to those that want to see/hear themselves?, after sending it can be delete from Tonebase archives, for example. I do not know if the people would like that. All you were so kind and were giving me congratulations...that I thougth it may be was not sooo bad as my feeling or my internal impression?

      I say also thank you to all of you guys and Martin of course, for being so encouraging ...really it is a great group and althought yesterday evening I thougth " Maybe these performances are not for me, because of my inability ", today looking retrospectively ...I will continue trying.... the whole evening was very nice, great music and people!!!! gracias a todos!!

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      • ivan paolonull
      • amateur guitarist
      • ivan_paolo
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Martin Thank you for the opportunity to face the fear of playing in front of an audience, even if it was generous and kind. I felt cold and sticky hands, cold feet and hot body. I was aware that I had studied and my fingers knew where to go but I felt that something hindered their path; at the same time I was an actor and a spectator of the "film", pervaded by a kind of vertigo, but able to "go beyond". I would say "terribly" and fascinating. Fear is overcome only by facing it and I want to do it with other music an guitar lovers as the companions of Tonebase.

    • ivan paolo you give me also more courage Paolo....to overcome this syndrome....

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips thank you! That's the way to go, don't beat yourself up over it, just getting it done! You've done great, especially as the opener of the evening!!!

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Bill Young Fantastic! Happy you enjoyed it, it's very valuable performance training, even for me! We will probably start with a frequency of every other month (plus Dress Rehearsals!)!

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      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jack Stewart That's the spirit! Performances among friends are so important to identify parts that still need to work! 

      Daniel Beltrán I'm glad you enjoyed it! If it's okay, I will schedule you either with the Lachrimae or the other piece as it might get a bit too long, are you okay with that? More concerts will follow definitely!!!

      Nora Torres-Nagel I already told you that in the Dress Rehearsal, you did such a great recovery and successfully fought your demons on the virtual stage!! I was at this very same spot, in all of my performances during the first 2 years of studying I felt miserable after my concerts at a point where I was thinking "Maybe I shouldn't perform anymore". But after more and more performances and some mental training I successfully fought my own demons!
      We are not going to record these performances, as we want these performances - as nerve-racking as they may be - safe space for everybody to do some valuable performance training! But you could always record your own performance with your phone, that's super beneficial!

      ivan paolo You are so right! You battled that fear head on and play through your pieces successfully! Congratulations!!

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    • Martin thanks again for your "Verständnis" (comprenhension?). I understand the issue about recording the concert, all OK.

      • Emmanull
      • Emma
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Martin hello! I felt nervous the whole day! I failed in the places where I thought I was most confident! Then I felt exhausted, and then although relieved I could not sleep! So there you are…. All my respect to you and all professional musicians and artists that preform with such ease and artistry. Please, let’s do more! Not to be a masochist,  but I trust your words Martin, that we will enjoy it and will make it better! One of my goals is to share my music so I can enjoy my guitar even more. Let’s do it every couple of months please. Then little by little I could construct a small repertoire (one of my other objectives) thank you so much to you and to all people playing and listening 

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Emma thank you for sharing!!! Performing is a skill that can be trained, most of us musicians learned it one way or another, I definitely struggled a very long time with it as well! Next Community Concert will be probably in January ✨

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    • ldeacon
    • ldeacon
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Thanks for this.  Can I play Spanish romance by anon. Cheers Luke

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      ldeacon Fantastic, do you want to perform on Dec 4th for the concert?

    • Brooke
    • Brooke
    • 2 yrs ago
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    It was fun, but performing is a process and skill that you have to work on, it doesn't just come together easily.   A poor performance by me overall, but I know I can do better and won't beat myself up over it.  It's good to just get up there and let the notes fly.  Good job everybody.  

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Brooke Absolutely! You rocked through the Tango despite being it very fresh and continue to gain more and more experience with that piece! Some stumbling blocks only reveal themselves after performing in front of people, so it's good to identify and tackle those parts early on!

  • Thank you Martin and everyone for a meaningful dress rehearsal. I was personally disappointed with my performance and not able to overcome the anxious surge of adrenaline that hit me fairly early into my performance. Glad to be a part of  this challenge and hoping to have an improved performance at the concert. The experience of performing always brings helpful insights especially when performing for a sympathetic community!

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Rick Lord Fantastic! The only way to get better at performing is performing! I got very nervous as well, so I hope to get more routine for Tremolo-Pieces out of the community concerts!

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