Week 4: Expressive Exploration

Get the Scores for the Carcassi Etudes op.60 Challenge
Ready to join the "Carcassi Etudes op.60 Challenge"? Here’s your starting line:
- Pick Your Etude: Dive into the evocative world of Carcassi by selecting an etude from op.60. Whether it's a piece that tests your technical limits or one that you've longed to perfect, the choice is yours.
- Commit to Practice: Embark on a disciplined practice routine, aiming for consistency. Share your journey with at least two video updates each week on our platform. This commitment will not only enhance your skills but also enable us to experience your progress, fostering a supportive atmosphere in our tonebase community.
- Share Your Practice: Submit a recording that you feel best captures your connection with Carcassi's music. This will inspire and contribute to a rich collection of performances for our community to enjoy and learn from.
I had a go at No.23.
Recording on my iPhone, the dynamics seem to have been flattened out quite a lot. Maybe someone can advise me on how to deal with this.
As with just about anything in A major, I am focusing on keeping the bass strings under control, dampening them with my thumb as required to avoid especially the A and D string overlapping into bars where they are not wanted.
Also focusing on the pull off to open strings which can make a "twangy" sound - this is the ideal etude to practice that technique.
I will try improve on this by the end of the cycle.
Here is my second take on the Allegretto in E minor Op. 59.
There is still a lot of work to polish the piece but I am happy so far with the progress. I have to note that all my nails were in very bad shape. Until new ones grow up; I am trying to use Alaska picks. It took a bit of time to get used to them and I still need to trim and shape them but I am surprised by the results. This could eventually be a workable solution when I broke a nail.
martin - Please do not use this recording for the live event. I will post another one during the weekend before the event.
So, I finally had some time to post videos of the three pieces I am undertaking for this challenge (I know... I am biting more than I can chew...)
Of the three, number 9 is the one needing more polishing than the others.
Otherwise, I tried to add some slurs to n.6 (tell me if you think they will add to the interpretation, or not). I feel like I need more legato on those basses and in some other parts of the piece.
All suggestions are welcome!