WEEK 6: What We've Achieved!!!


  1. Select Your Piece(s): Choose one or more pieces that you've learned this year. It could be something you've practiced through our live streams, a personal favorite, or a challenging piece you've conquered.
  2. Record Your Performance: Film yourself playing your selected piece(s). Quality doesn't have to be professional – it's all about sharing your progress and passion.
  3. Share Your Journey: Post your video in our community forum under the "End of the Year Challenge" thread. Include a brief write-up about your experience learning the piece – what challenges you faced, how you overcame them, and what this piece means to you. If you don't want to record yourself, show us a video of a piece you plan to take on in the next year!
  4. Engage with Others: Watch, comment, and encourage your fellow community members. Share your feedback, experiences, and celebrate each other's progress.

↓ Happy Sharing! ↓

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    • Jack Stewart
    • Retired
    • Jack_Stewart
    • 1 yr ago
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    Sor Etude op. 6.6

    I have really been frustrated with my playing over the last month. I have been working on this piece and BWV 1009 Prelude almost exclusively. There is really very little I like about this performance but I did want to try to post a recording of it. I am going to try to record the BWV 1009 Prelude next but I am not overly hopeful. I feel my playing has really deteriorated over the last month. I have been pretty sick over this time (a respiratory illness, not Covid). Maybe that has affected my ability to concentrate. I apologize for my rant. This too shall pass. (The problem with that phrase is that it applies to the good times as well ☹️)

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      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jack Stewart I know this is not an easy one, as I recorded it not too long ago on Tonebase.  I could not play it this well, if I was feeling sick; that's for sure, so Congrats.  It looks like you've got it under your fingers and just need to relax continuing to use the first finger guide.  I added some crescendo/decrescendo and  some non-legato to bass notes ascending and then let it ring at the peak--just a possible suggestion, if interested.  I know you'll get it to your satisfaction very soon.  Feel better!!

    • Jack Stewart Very nice, Jack.  I really liked this and how you powered through inspite of not feeling at your best. It sounded excellent to me with just some areas that could use a little more legato. 

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 1 yr ago
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      Barney Thanks Barney. I decided to delete the video. I couldn't stand to listen to it.

      I seem to have a harder and harder time playing over these last several months. I have always had problems adjusting to little or no nails. I lose my sense of where my RH fingertips are and I feel I have to use much more force to achieve adequate volume. All of this prevents me from getting anything but a harsh ugly tone. I used to be able to achieve decent tone a year ago so it is a recent development. I don't really know what the solution is. But I will continue.

      Thanks again for your suggestions and support.

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dale Needles Thanks Dale. As I just mentioned to Barney, I decided to pull the video because I could not listen to it.

      I think my nail problems are the source of my playing problems. I continue to try different solutions but I haven't found any resolution yet. My tone just makes me cringe now. I used to be able to achieve decent tone but I can't anymore. 

      I intend to keep doing the challenges but I probably won't post much until I can get a decent recording. If I find a method that shows promise perhaps I will document it in the Practice Diary.

      Today I feel I am almost over my flu. I am afraid I didn't have much patience (or concentration) when trying to record the last video and writing the description.

      I assume you are back from Portland. I hope all went well and that you avoid this really nasty flu!

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jack Stewart Have you tried GuitarPlayerNails or something like it?  They have been successfully used by Grisha Goryachev as well as Eliot Fisk as well as many others. 

      I've never tried it, so I can't offer personal opinion, but may be worth a try if you haven't already done so. 

      I hope you can solve this problem soon, because I always enjoy your wonderful playing, humor, and interactions on Tonebase.  Good luck!!

    • Barney Doporučuji www.guitarnailskit.com, jsou to dočasně - opakovaně použitelné nehty. Existují ve třech tvrdostech a čtyřech velikostech. Doporučuji nejměkčí, dávají tón nerozeznatelný od přirozených nehtů...


      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jiří Brodil Jack Stewart Thank you Jiri for this suggestion.  Perhaps it is an option for Jack.

    • Jack Stewart Have you considered going to a nail salon?  I tore my m fingernail halfway down the quick in early December- painful and debilitating.  My nail salon repaired it with dipped powder and then a clear gel coat.  It lasted 3 weeks until it started lifting and I had to repair it again ($5 each time).  I much prefer my real nails, but a professional repair might be worth trying.  

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 1 yr ago
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      Barney Jiří Brodil Thanks for your suggestions.

      I have actually tried both systems  but both created problems of their own for me. The glue on Guitar Player Nails started to deteriorate my nails and the last time I tried them when one nail came off it tore off the top layer of my already thin nails. I was really hopeful for the Guitar Nails Kit because they were adhesive based and less detrimental for the health of my nails. However, they would frequently come off after a very short time, sometimes even only after a few minutes.

      I am currently trying to strengthen my nails (nail hardener) and use them very short. My 'm' and 'a' fingernails don't even extend beyond my fingers, but if I am very precise they seem to work. However it is a real challenge for me to be that precise. It is also very difficult to get a decent tone with my nails so short. I have tried no nails but I didn't like the results I got without nails. But not having to consider my nails at all is certainly attractive.

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 1 yr ago
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      Marilyn Blodget Thanks for the suggestion Marilyn. I have not tried a professional salon yet. I guess my hesitation is that the purpose of fingernails is very specific to guitar playing and I don't know how to determine if the techniques salons use will be healthy for my nails.

      Did you have any of those concerns about what the salon was doing?

    • Jack Stewart Můj postup při používání guitarnailskit:
      1) Nehet zcela opilovat
      2) Očistit tamponem s IPA (isopropylalcohol)
      3) Místo ke guitarnailskit přiložené lepenky použít oboustrannou 3M pásku 12mm x 0,2mm x 50m mezi hranu nehtu a kutikulu. Lépe drží, lépe se sundává a je LACINĚJŠÍ! Nemýt ruce, používat chirurgickou rukavici
      4) Na nalepenou pásku nalepit umělý nehet a opracovat jej jako přirozený.
      5) Vydrží několik hodin hraní
      6) Na noc opatrně sundat (opět pomůže IPA), očistit od lepidla a uložit na zítra. Při hraní 2 hodiny denně vydrží 14 dní používání...
      Nehet natřít krémem bioKarité (vyrábí Saloos naturecosmetics) po každém sejmutí umělého (nalepeného) nehtu. Až doroste přirozený nehet, bílé konce všech nehtů natírat KeratinBUILDER (vyrábí Delia cosmetics).
      7) Zdravé nehty udržovat po celý den z obou stran mastné olejem na koňská kopyta (vyrábí TopVet).
      8) Polykat vitamíny A až E, Zn, Ca, Cu, Fe. Pomáhá i MSM, a to i na klouby a chrupavky.

      Držím palce, ať se podaří nehty udržovat a posílit.

    • Jack Stewart I'm late to the topic and your video has been removed... I'm sorry to read that you had to remove it because you couldn't stand to listen to it. I can't tell because I haven't seen it, but I can understand how you feel. It's hard to keep the shape to play, to always have a good tone and also have a constant progress on what we're working on. I hope you'll find your way through this and start enjoying playing again, I very like what you're doing Jack!

    • Jack Stewart
    • Retired
    • Jack_Stewart
    • 1 yr ago
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    I am sorry my issues are dominating what should be a forum for celebrating and showcasing our progress and achievements. I really do appreciate the helpful and concerned response I have received. I have opened a topic in the General Discussion so we can save this forum for more celebratory submissions. I do thank all for your responses.

    • Jim King
    • Retired
    • Jim_king
    • 1 yr ago
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    Back in Week 2 I posted my playing of Lullaby No. 1 by Isaias Savio, a Brazilian lullaby, which at the time was still new to me.  Since then I have been practicing this piece, albeit with some breaks here and there for Christmas and so on.  I believe that this presents a reasonable representation of my current playing, which has come a long way since joining Tonebase in Dec 2022.  This piece will continue to be a work in progress as I learn more about playing classical guitar.

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      • don
      • don.2
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jim King thanks for sharing! Can hear the melody line clearly. Did you perhaps played steel strings guitar before this? Notice the the LH thumb position. Because I did the switch too and took me a while to relax my LH. 

      • Jim King
      • Retired
      • Jim_king
      • 1 yr ago
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      don Thank you for the reminder Don.  Currently, I play steel string guitars and a nylon string guitar.  I will have to be more cognizant of my thumb placement depending upon which guitar I am playing.

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  • To start 2024 I decided to do as my first video this beautiful work by the very talented composer Marianne Vedral, I hope you love it too.

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      • David Krupka
      • Amateur guitarist/lutenist
      • David_Krupka
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Another beautiful performance to start the year! Thanks for sharing this here, Blaise. (And thanks also for introducing a contemporary composer that I for one had never heard of.)

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    • David Krupka Thank you David, I also discovered her a few weeks ago after watching a video of her playing this work, then I went to Bergmann and bought the work instantly! I'm happy to read you back!

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme This is beautiful, Blaise. The composition is wonderful and your performance is amazing. I am so absolutely envious of your tonal control and your phrasing. Thanks for presenting this.

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    • Jack Stewart Thank you very much for your kind comment Jack, the music is so expressive by itself... it's hard to do nothing while playing these notes! 😅

      • don
      • don.2
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme beautiful playing as usual. I've not heard of this composer before, will look out for it now. Thanks!

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    • don Thank you Don, check her YT Channel she plays very well... and her scores are available at Bergmann Edition.

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Beautiful piece and superb playing, as usual.  Thanks for sharing it and nice to hear this new repertoire.

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