What is the last tonebase video you watched?

We all watch tonebase videos at different times and on different days! We are a community of guitarists spread throughout the world after all! But I’m curious, what is the last tonebase video you watched? 🤔

It could be a livestream, a premium course, or a livestream replay! In any case, we want to know what you’ve been up to! 🎶

Comment below ⬇️ so people can get a sense of what you’re working on and what you’ve seen on the platform. It’s also a great way to make others aware of courses they haven’t seen and create inspiration! ✨

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    • don
    • don.2
    • 8 mths ago
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    Just started the Insights in Dynamics and Projection by Xuefei Yang. 

    Like 1
  • Working through the Brouwer studies with Rene Izquierdo.

    • Tim
    • Tim.4
    • 8 mths ago
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    Introduction to Barre with Martin Zimny. Live stream with instructions how to perform the barre quite effortless.

    • EvaEvita
    • EvaEvita
    • 8 mths ago
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    Yesterday I watched On daily routine by Pepe Romero. Loved his advices and points of view. 🙏

  • I'm very new to tonebase. Today I've just watched "Fundamentals of Technique - With Angel Romero"

  • Fundamentals of technique - Angel.   TBH I watched just because of who he is and of the respect I have for him and his family, but I did not this video helpful at all, except for a couple of colorful analogies. 

    • wei1800dw
    • wei1800dw
    • 8 mths ago
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    Fundamentals of Technique with Angel Romero

  • I'm working through "Un Dia en November" by Isaac Bustos. Excellent instructional video, clear demonstration of technique and how to avoid common pitfalls.  Good coverage on how to express the ideas and sentiments of the piece.

    • Deb Covellnull
    • Long term hobby guitar player and one time guitar builder
    • Deb
    • 8 mths ago
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    Yesterday I watched Xuefei Yang: Mastering Tremolo, , I will be starting to work on my tremolo, for my new technical practice, in the new year practice plan . 

  • 120 Right hand studies - Joseph Palmer

    10 Sketches - Sergio Assad

    I am currently working on the first 20 of the 120 RH studies and working on the sketch no 1 of Sergio Assad.

  • Jak správně říkáš, Martine, komunita je rozšířená po celém světě. Ne všude ve světě však rozumí a čtou anglicky. Pro mne je třeba video, ve kterém účastník jen hovoří (v lepším případě s angl. titulky, ale bohužel nikdy s možností automatického překladu) téměř nepoužitelné.
    Pokud TB podporuje platformu Vimeo, měla by se zasadit o možnost automatického překladu, jakou nabízí YouTube.
    Vždyť u některých videí nelze ani zobrazit anglické titulky nebo zpomalit přehrávání! Žijeme snad v IT středověku?
    Děkuji za pochopení.
    (Jak sis poradil s tímto textem?)

    • Jim King
    • Retired
    • Jim_king
    • 8 mths ago
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    The last TB video I watched was the livestream New Year, New Goals presented by Ashley Lucero.  It was an interesting presentation where Ashley presents a model to assist us develop our own goals. 

    • Tom Taube
    • Tom_Taube
    • 8 mths ago
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    Tal Hurwitz la cathedral 

    • tmilo
    • tmilo
    • 8 mths ago
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    Elliot Fisk's discussion of Bach's lute suite BMV 1006.

  • Fundamentals of Techniques-----Anglo Romero

    Spanish Romance---  Scott Tennant

    Adagio in E Minor---- Peter Graneis

    • John
    • John.14
    • 8 mths ago
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    I really enjoyed Scott Tennant's take on Spanish Romance. 

    • Emma Baran
    • Emma_Baran
    • 7 mths ago
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    The last Tonebase video I saw was Carlos Bonell about becoming a better guitarist in 12 months.

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