[NEW DATE: Dec 28th] Left Hand Workout with Villa-Lobos Etude No.3 Questions / Suggestions
December 21st Update: We will run this workshop on December 28th, thanks to all of you for your understanding!
December 20th Update: I've been sick for the last couple of days, so I won't be able to host this workshop. I promise to deliver this piece of left hand craziness as soon as I am back on track!
After covering basic techniques for the right hand in my last workshop, we will dive deeeeep into the mysteries of the left hand with this challenging etude by Heitor Villa-Lobos!
Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:
We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!
- What questions do you have on this topic?
- Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
Forum questions will be answered first!
"Effortless slurs, elegant change of position, flawless accuracy. That is what we are striving for when practicing guitar. The third Etude by Villa-Lobos is a wonderful vessel that will guide us through the mysteries of the left hand. With this piece, we will explore a multitude of facets of left hand technique and will look at different practice exercices that will prepare our hand not only for this challenging etude, but for every movement your left hand will execute. Grab your guitars and get ready for your left hand workout!"
What is your opinion and approach to playing the repeated measures, in this and also in studies 1 and 2? I know that the original manuscript did not include them. In studies 1 and 2, I find it technically more challenging to omit them. However in this study, it seems that each approach (including vs. omitting the repeats) has its own nuances - there are skills to be learned in repeating the same bar, and then other complications in switching more quickly to the next hand position. Is one a 'better' approach than the other?
Hi Martin; you requested info on vimeo problems:
I used chrome
I had one glitch early but I believe it was at my end (other web sites inaccessible)
"Live stream offline" message appeared at 1:15:08. I waited a few minutes then reloaded.
Video and audio hung at 2:00:53, reload worked.
In the past I had to reload every few minutes and sometimes I had to reload twice in succession
PS. I got a lot out of the workshop too:)