any good recommendations for sandpaper or cloth for filing your nails?
I 've always been using sandpaper I get from hardware store but recently I found that there are cloth with sandpaper like textture for filing nails too and when I google it there seems to be tons for guitarist. So wondering what is everyone using to sand / file their nails? thanks!
I start with a glass nail file then smooth of with very a fine sanding block. Marco Tamoyo on nails https://youtu.be/5tV_FBh55ew?si=CBLzZSTVDc1W8E6y
Micro mesh at: https://www.micro-mesh.de may be an alternative for those from Europe.
I go from glass nail file to sandpaper 1500 - 2000 - 2500 to Micro mesh 3600 - 4000 - 6000 - 8000 - 12000. I can go for a week with this. Try to avoid dish washing
I don't have an answer to your question. But the whole discussion is, for me, a reminder of how much easier (guitar-) life is when one doesn't use nails. The only real worry is keeping them short enough that they don't inadvertently catch the strings. (For me, that's about the same length as my fretting hand nails.) There are a lot of misconceptions about playing without nails: I've heard it said that nails are needed for speed. for volume, for tonal effect, and so on. I've not found this to be the case, but of course I'm just an amateur, not some sort of virtuoso: if I'm unable play 'fast' (and most certainly I can't!) it's not because I lack nails! So I encourage anyone who is having trouble with their nails to give 'nail-less' a try!
BTW, in between, use gloves for any activity that might damage the nails. I worked on cars, motorcycles, repairing electron microscopes etc, for decades and never hurt my nails. I even use scuba gloves when I swim. Also keep gloves close at hand so you can pop them on without interruption of what you are doing.
I've been using the same ground glass nail file for over 30 years. Paid £16 for it and thought it was expensive at the time! By far the quickest, cleanest and most effective way of shaping my nails. I finish off with the fine grit portion of a foam-backed nail pad which gives a rounded profile to the nail edge and then polish on cloth or leather. All done in less than ten minutes. Strongly recommend!