Rene Izquierdo: Workshop + Excerpt MASTERCLASS! (Jan 9)

🚨 2021 SPECIAL! 🚨 My friends, I have an incredibly special announcement to make! 😀

For his upcoming tonebase Live workshop, Rene Izquierdo will not only be answering your questions from the chat, but also accepting short recorded excerpts from you for a unique, tailor-made masterclass experience!!!


To make this helpful to as many people as possible, we suggest sending in excerpts of single passages, up to 30 seconds in length. This also takes the pressure off of having to perform an entire piece at a time.

If you do want to send in a full recording, that's fine! Let us know what timestamp (minute & second) you would like us to focus on, so we can pay special attention to those.


In addition, you are most certainly open to send in text questions before the masterclass using this very thread

The format for sending in videos is the same as in all tonebase public masterclasses: 

  • Submit right here, by replying to this thread!
  • (Alternatively, send me your video submission at [email protected])
  • You can either attach a video directly from your computer, or paste a link to a YouTube video
  • (If you opt to use a YouTube video, it can be unlisted - no need to make it public!)

Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:


  • What questions do you have for him?
  • Any particular area you would like him to focus on?

Forum questions will be answered first!

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    • Igornull
    • Igor.2
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi, Mircea. Unfortunately, I won´t be able to attend today. That said, may I suggest to Tonebase having Rene for a course on Brouwer studies 11-20? His lessons on studies 1-10 are really awesome, full of priceless information. Thank you very much. (Maybe this is not the apropiate place to ask for this..).

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    • Davide
    • Davide
    • 4 yrs ago
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     Hi everyone! im david from Milan! These passages are for me particularly difficult, especially for the timing and organization of the left hand and synchronization with the right hand!!  Are excerpts of Giuliani quintetto op 65, polonaise, Decamerone negro brower  galop  and Henze II sonata, first movement, marcia non troppo funebre. Thanks very much! 


      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Davide Hi Davide! So sorry about this - you did everything right, however your comment wasn't published in this thread because it activated the automatic forum profanity filter. This caused me to miss it during Rene's stream, for which I apologize!

      This happened through no fault of your own. The forum software we use simply wasn't able to tell the difference between languages, and automatically interpreted the word "Negro" in "Decameron Negro" as a racial slur. This is unfortunate.

      No need to worry though! We have a date for our next livestream with Rene Izquierdo, which will take place at the same time on February 20th, and I will make sure to feature your question in it! I will personally take care to move this comment there.

      Hope to see you there!

      • Robert
      • amateur guitarist, guitar addicted
      • Robert
      • 4 yrs ago
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      a bit offtopic (but a topic in my job, a bit...): This is a good example of software malfunction (in the sense that it does things that are not wanted), in particular when it comes to natural language... Another example: If you are watching some of the earlier tonebase videos, you will observe some/many mistakes in the automatic subtitles, generated by software translating the spoken words into written text. In fact, it is sometimes really very funny 🙂 to read the text and compare it with the spoken words. However, I guess it was not the aim of the software to generate these kind of jokes, so this is a "malfunction", too. Natural language is complicated (at least for software)...

      ontopic: I really enjoyed the last (my first) excerpt masterclass, it was very helpful (the whole thing, i.e., the comments on the other stuff, too, not only on mine at the end), and I look forward to the next one. Life stream (and with the possibility to watch this later again and again) is such a nice format! Thanks for this! I am grateful.

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      • Davide
      • Davide
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Mircea Hi Mircea, this is very funny!!!! I have the time to study ;-). im very grateful for your tips and very interesting lesson, I prepare the video for the next live stream! the henze excerpt is a little bit specialistic, but the other I think interesting for all, the Giuliani legato on three or one chord, and the synchronization at the coda of brower's Decameron Blanco (😉) ... Henze is a sort of Italian  800 style cadence, very interesting, but very odd also....  many thanks and best regards!!!

      Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Robert Very good point! And no worries, a bit of off-topic is allowed, especially if it relates to something that actually occurred in this thread. This is a common issue in online communities and publications, sometimes referred to as "The Scunthorpe Problem". It was named after a place in the UK containing a rather distasteful string of characters when taken by itself, however completely innocent in context. Here is a list of prominent instances where this ended up being a problem. I actively remember reading about this in 2008.

      Davide awesome! Looking forward to everything 😎

  • Did I miss the workshop?  I didn't receive a notification?  Or I may have missed it as these are dark days :(

    Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      David Chidsey David, I'm so sorry to hear you missed it! Yeah, it had already happened by the time you posted this. One thing I could recommend is to make sure you have [email protected] whitelisted on your email provider, to make sure notifications don't get automatically flagged as spam.

      On the other topic though, I'm sorry to hear current events have been bothering you 😕 I'm doing my best to keep productive in those difficult days, too. Much strength and motivation to you, my friend!

  • I listen to this Workshop again, I find an enormous quantity and quality of advice, we hope for many others. Thank you very much😊

    Like 2
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Giuseppe Gasparini Thank you so much, Giuseppe! Yes, we already have a new date for our next workshop with Rene, which will take place on February 20th! Looking forward to this a lot.

  • Mircea I just watched the lesson THANK YOU SO MUCH! I loved the suggestions he gave and will implement them now.  I’ll be practicing Brouwer again this weekend!

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  • Mircea also I didn’t know about the connection to the concierto! I’ll listen to it now

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  • Mircea What is the name of the concierto related to Brouwer 18?

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      David Chidsey wonderful, so happy to hear you've enjoyed this, David! 😁 the concerto was "Concierto Elegiaco", check out recordings of it online! The second movement is almost entirely based on this etude.

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