WEEK 1: Select And Practice Your Piece! 
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the End-Of-The-Year Community Concert Challenge!
If you want to describe your process (optional), feel free to use the following template.
- Things you found easy:
- Things you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions
↓ Reply below with your assignments and questions! ↓
Sor Op 6 No 12 (Segovia Study 14) December 3
I will not be able to attend either concert, but I couldn't help but want to join this challenge. I have chosen one of my favorite Sor studies to play. Every time I have attempted to play it in the past, I have encountered obstacles that have made me say, "I think I'll put that in the pile of future pieces to play." Well, the future is present! I'll give it my best.
This is a video of measures 1-8 only (and their repeat). The next eight measures still need a lot of work, so this is all I will post for now. This is after about 30 minutes of practice. It still feels clunky, but I can get the notes out, more or less.
Sor Op 6 No 12 December 4
Today, I worked on the next section, measures 10-21. The biggest challenge was measure 11. Below is a picture of the score for measures 10-11, with 11 being the tricky part. I went back and forth with different fingering ideas, but have settled on this, at least for now.
I will share three videos.
- This is a video of measures 10-11 (played twice). I have the metronome on 50.
- This is a video of measures 10-11 (played twice again), but after I did a three-minute drill on it. I decided to push the metronome up to 60, which I think is the approximate tempo I want the entire piece to be.
- Then, after more practice, I played all of measures 10-21.