WEEK 2: La Guitarra Espanola! 
Welcome to the Main Thread for the second week of our musical Journey to Spain!! This is the place to share submissions of the second week!
- Make sure you've read the guidelines before replying (<- click)
- Watch the kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
If you want to describe your process (optional), feel free to use the following template.
- Things you found easy:
- Things you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions
I had some fun playing around with Manny's excellent score of "Torija" by Torroba! Here's the tutorial if you want to check that out!
My recurring theme with slow pieces is that I get so immersed into the music that I get quite tense during the performance, which makes me loose the overarching line and mess up my tempo a bit!
Especially this passage is a bit tricky, I am aiming to keep the first chord in the second bar of that picture as long as possible, which is why I have this awkward fingering going in there, I'm not sure if it worth it in the end!
Wow, it's already week 2? Time flies!!
I was practicing Fernando Sor Opus 35 No.2 last week, and in the meantime, I went to buy a Focusrite 2i2, a pair of mics, and a Reaper software, followed everything Martin taught in the recording course, and here is my first video and my first Tonebase community challenge. (The guitar sound is a little bit harsh, sorry, but I will keep practicing :P)
I am going to practice Espanoleta (Theme) this week, hope I will have something to share with the community next week. Thank you, Tonebase and Martin, for teaching us how to record at home.