Martin Zimny: Un Dia de Noviembre - Live Lesson (Jan 7th) / Questions Suggestions
Happy New Year to all of you!
Now that the festive time is over, the cold, wet German winter is swallowing me again, always remembering me of the rainy days in November. That's the time when I find myself playing melancholic and nostalgic repertoire like "Un Dia de Noviembre" by Leo Brouwer, an all time favorite of mine! Let's dive deep into this wonderful piece and extract principles of right and left hand technique and it's various applications!
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We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!
- What questions do you have on this topic?
- Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
Forum questions will be answered first!
"Un Dia de Noviembre" is surely one of the big classics in guitar repertoire. Initially written for the film "Un Dia de Noviembre" by Cuban director Humberto Solas, the solo piece quickly became an all time favorite among all levels of guitar players, ranging from beginner level hobbyists to encores of competition champions. We will look into the specifics for right and left hand technique in order to enable your most effortless and musical interpretation of this gem!