Week 1 - Technical Foundation // May 3
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the virtuosity challenge! This is the place to discuss the Week 1 livestream and post your Week 1 practice updates.
- Make sure you've read the guidelines before replying (<- click)
- Watch the kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
Download the sheet music: in this first week, we will be working with materials from my right-hand technique workshop. Download them here:
Right-hand exercise book (<- click)
See the pinned post below for a specific practice guide featuring all the exercises we talked about during today's livestream!
Since this challenge is all about virtuosity, video updates are more highly encouraged than usual. Feel free to upload the video in the reply OR simply link to your YouTube video.
YouTube video submissions CAN be unlisted. Just make sure they're not set on "private", so we can actually see them.
If you want to describe your process, feel free to use the following template.
- Exercise(s) you have been working on:
- Things you found easy:
- Things you found difficult:
↓ Reply below with your submissions and questions! ↓
Hello everybody!
Exercise(s) you have been working on: I am practising all the exercises of the the list suggested using the first arpeggios of Villalobos number 1 for the exercise 4 E.
Things you found easy: the preparation of the right hand for the arpeggios is coming along quite well and the noise of the nails is disappearing with the practice.
Things you found difficult:
In the apoyando scales there is a sound when I am planting my finger, it is not made by the nail but by the finger, it is like a very soft buzz that I realised in the slow practice, just before I pulse the note, please, Mircea some advise on this?
In the arpeggios exercises, I find that the limit for my speed are the left hand position, they are not difficult but no matter the speed the change has to be quick. I am practising the 1 A exercise with jumps in alternate positions too .
Also when I practice the Villalobos study the postures of the left hand get a bit in the way of the good preparation of the right hand, but it is much better now.
I would like suggestion for the metronome speed and read about how are you practising the exercises. Is it better to alternate of focus on one for a longer time?
Dear Mircea , dear community, I am really excited by the actual challenge and trying to hold pace... ;-)
I practice with metronome and start slowly. Hopefully I can raise the "top speed" from day to day a little bit. Today the range practiced is like:
- Exercise(s) I have been working on:
1A: 80 for the half notes, 2B: 80-92, 2A: 80-132 for the dotted quarter note, 4E: 63-92, 3B: 88-132, 3A: 76-88, 3C: 76-84; 5B without metronome
- Things I found easy:
gernerally the arpegigio studies over the rest stroke practice
- Things I found difficult:
- Planting always all fingers suggested at the beginning of an arpeggio measure, especially in 4E the m-finger is a little bit "selfish"
- To get a good rest stroke sound while changing zu the high e-string (5B)
- To play even rest strokes while enhancing the tempo, especially if I have to change strings.
I am looking forward to the next sessions and your experience. Maybe I can manage to post a video of some probelmatic exercises, if I will find enough time. I would love to get useful comments form Mircea and you all!
Greetings to all,
- Exercise(s) I have been working on:
Hi Mircea & fellow Challengers,
I worked 2 days now with these ‘new’ warming up/speed exercises. Started my practice with it (preceded by/completed with my favorite Pavel Steidl tricks...)
I divided the whole set into 2 sessions of 20 minutes each (timer set). First the arpeggios with progressive speed, no metronome. Then the apoyando/scale coordination stuff, with metronome in progressive tempo. (5 B no metronome.) Short walk around the house in between the 2. But always preceded by: a few i-m, m-a and i-a repetitions tirando and apoyando on 6 open strings, to ‘taste’ my sound, nail condition and posture. Adjust any if necessary.
Session 1: 1A, 2A,B, 4E. I spend quite some time on 1A, first on open strings, in very slow tempo, trying very conscientiously to relax completely after every chord played with pima (play-relax). 2A, 2B and 4 E: I vary not only the tempo, but also the accents and sometimes punctuate (is that an English word? You know what I mean...)
2nd session: 3B,A,C, start metronome on 60, go up 6 at a time. My block somewhere around 102. Coordination is a problem, my (LH)fingers start making bigger movements if I try higher tempo. I also feel the tension in my (L+R)fingers (and feet) get stronger. 5B (no metronome) I like this one a lot, but it’s harder than I thought to keep the pace steady and the tone even and strong all the way.
if I have time tomorrow I’ll make a recording. Is it an idea to record a whole session? Must be big file, and not very interesting to watch...
I distilled the practice down to 4 minutes by taking snippets of the recording. The exercise I'm doing is titled in either lower left or lower right of the video. I hope this is a good format for submitting the exercises. I was scratching my head a bit as to how to do it so that it wouldn't be too long.