Week 1 - Technical Foundation // May 3

Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the virtuosity challenge! This is the place to discuss the Week 1 livestream and post your Week 1 practice updates.

Download the sheet music: in this first week, we will be working with materials from my right-hand technique workshop. Download them here:

Right-hand exercise book (<- click)

See the pinned post below for a specific practice guide featuring all the exercises we talked about during today's livestream!

Since this challenge is all about virtuosity, video updates are more highly encouraged than usual. Feel free to upload the video in the reply OR simply link to your YouTube video.


YouTube video submissions CAN be unlisted. Just make sure they're not set on "private", so we can actually see them.


If you want to describe your process, feel free to use the following template.

  • Exercise(s) you have been working on:
  • Things you found easy:
  • Things you found difficult:

↓ Reply below with your submissions and questions! ↓

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  • I think I am not going to be able to exchange anything with you guys. I have spent today two hours trying to load a video. I tried with Vimeo but my video was "public" and I donnot like that. Otherwise I had to pay an "upgrade"... also not my objective....too much for me ! 

    Sorry for that. Nora

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Nora Torres-Nagel hi Nora! Congrats on posting the video, you've done such a great job recording it, uploading it on YouTube, and posting it here! Thank you so much to all our lovely fellow community members who helped - this has been so wonderful to read here!

      Now, when it comes to your preparation questions: I see what you mean!

      The first part of what I have to tell you will be the very same as I told Eric - however, my advice for you on how to actually fix it is very different. Let's start with the part that is the same: 

      It seems like the problem you're facing is that since you've not practiced preparation for a very long time, you are having trouble incorporating it on top of the way of playing that you've been doing for a very long time.

      Basically, playing with preparation requires your hand to do certain things, while practicing without preparation requires your hand to do different things. When you try to switch from one to the other, you're "restricting yourself" as if you were playing the same way as before, but you're also not yet getting the benefits that come with playing the other way.

      Basically, when experimenting with new technique, you are always going to experience a "J-curve" - it will feel worse worse before it feels better.


      Like I was telling Eric:

      When I started using preparation in my own right hand, it felt like nothing else I had tried before - and any "revolution" of one's own technique, no matter how minor, can cause us to feel like we suddenly don't know how to play our instrument anymore. It's weird, but the weirdness goes away after a few weeks of practice, and only after sticking with it for a while can we truly compare the two versions.

      This is why changing technique is a difficult thing - we can't make a judgement on what is easier and what is harder before we practice both versions for a while. This does mean that the first step to incorporate new elements into our technique is to blindly jump into something that someone else says it works, and invest quite a bit of practice time in trying it out before we can truly and accurately compare things. This is why trusting our teachers is so important at this stage.

      Now, when it comes to my actual advice for you here: I see two problems.

      Number 1: The first problem (and by far the most important one), is that you are correctly preparing the fingers on the strings at the beginning of the chord, however, before you actually play them, you are taking the fingers off of the strings again.

      This is very important to avoid. Once you've placed the fingers on the strings, don't let them move away before you play the notes!

      Use your left hand if you need to - feel free to take your left hand and place it on top of your a finger once you've prepared it on the string. Then, don't let the a finger escape! Don't let it move away from the string once you've placed it there.

      Otherwise, you are not getting any benefit from preparation at all - you are only stopping the strings and then introducing a lot of unnecessary additional movement. If you manage to fix this, you'll be able to get some of the benefits of playing with preparation - right now, you are only getting disadvantages out of it.

      Number 2: The second (and much less important) issue is that preparing all fingers on the string takes you quite a long time and makes you go out of tempo.

      There is a real simple fix here: play this exercise much slower than you do now, to the point where you can prepare your fingers without going out of tempo. Perhaps twice as slowly.

      More importantly, in addition to practicing slowly, you also need to start with exercise 1A - this exercise is the basis for the one that you are playing in your video.

      Playing with preparation basically means moving away from playing individual notes and into playing block chords. So in these exercises, what we want to do is basically to convert the feeling of playing individual notes into the feeling you get in your right hand when you play exercise 1A.

      Therefore, my last suggestion for you is to not practice any exercise before you practice 1A - and to look for that 1A feeling throughout every single other arpeggio exercise I showed you this week.

      Let me know if this helps and please, feel free to upload as many videos as you want for me to give you feedback on!

      Like 1
    • Mircea Thank you very much for your advices Mircea, I see that you really take your time in each folk, looking at the individual  problems, etc. I am watching today the lifestream of yesterday, where you also did similar commentaries. Indeed I had not understood that the exercise 1A was the really preparation for the feeling of "prep". I will combine now the both exercises, the chord feeling and the arpegio feeling.

      😎 vielen Dank!

    • Emmanull
    • Emma
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hello everybody!

    Exercise(s) you have been working on: I am practising all the exercises of the the list suggested using the first arpeggios of Villalobos number 1 for the exercise 4 E.

    Things you found easy:  the preparation of the right hand for the arpeggios is coming along quite well and the noise of the nails is disappearing with the practice.

    Things you found difficult:

    In the apoyando scales there is a sound when I am planting my finger, it is not made by the nail but by the finger, it is like a very soft buzz that I realised in the slow practice, just before I pulse the note, please, Mircea some advise on this?  

    In the arpeggios exercises, I  find that the limit for my speed are the left hand position, they are not difficult but no matter the speed the change has to be quick. I am practising the 1 A exercise with jumps in alternate positions too .

    Also when I practice the Villalobos study the postures of the left hand get a bit in the way of the good preparation  of the right hand, but it is much better now.


    I would like suggestion for the metronome speed and read about how are you practising the exercises. Is it better to alternate of focus on one for a longer time?

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      • Emmanull
      • Emma
      • 3 yrs ago
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      I will send a video soon

      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Emma great to hear! So happy to know that the preparation is working and that you've been practicing so many different things.

      When it comes to the buzz, I don't think that's a very big problem. As you get faster, I think that will go away. If it's only happening when your finger touches string, rather than the nail, I think it will get quite soft and imperceptible as you get both louder and faster.

      Unfortunately, when it comes to the metronome values, there is very little help that I can provide. It all depends on how comfortable it feels playing things at certain speeds.

      I like to focus on the same exercise for a long time when I'm only just learning it, at the very beginning.

      However, over time, I'd ideally want to get to a point where I'm not spending more than 5-10 minutes on a single exercise. It's easy to start overworking our hands if we spend a long time on every exercise every time.

    • Thomas
    • Thomas.2
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Dear Mircea , dear community, I am really excited by the actual challenge and trying to hold pace... ;-)

    I practice with metronome and start slowly. Hopefully I can raise the "top speed" from day to day a little bit. Today the range practiced is like:

    • Exercise(s) I have been working on: 
      1A: 80 for the half notes, 2B: 80-92, 2A: 80-132 for the dotted quarter note, 4E: 63-92, 3B: 88-132, 3A: 76-88, 3C: 76-84; 5B without metronome
    • Things I found easy: 
      gernerally the arpegigio studies over the rest stroke practice
    • Things I found difficult:
      1. Planting always all fingers suggested at the beginning of an arpeggio measure, especially in 4E the m-finger is a little bit "selfish"
      2. To get a good rest stroke sound while changing zu the high e-string (5B)
      3. To play even rest strokes while enhancing the tempo, especially if I have to change strings.

    I am looking forward to the next sessions and your experience. Maybe I can manage to post a video of some probelmatic exercises, if I will find enough time. I would love to get useful comments form Mircea and you all! 

    Greetings to all,


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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Thomas Sounds great, Thomas! Congratulations on practicing everything - I'd love to see a video of yours at some point! See you in the upcoming streams 😎

    • Thomas
    • Thomas.2
    • 3 yrs ago
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    ... I almost forgot: It is also very difficult to do not stop breathing during the exercises and to relax the rest of den body as much as possible!

    Have fun,


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    • Thomas I have that same problem, Thomas. I stop breathing, and tense up my face.

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      • Thomas
      • Thomas.2
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric So we are at least sharing these problems😉..and that already helps! 

      Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Thomas Hah, this is also something that used to happen to me all the time! Very good to hear you've noticed it and you're working on it.

  • Hi Mircea & fellow Challengers,

    I worked 2 days now with these ‘new’ warming up/speed exercises. Started my practice with it (preceded by/completed with my favorite Pavel Steidl tricks...)

    I divided the whole set into 2 sessions of 20 minutes each (timer set). First the arpeggios with progressive speed, no metronome. Then the apoyando/scale coordination stuff, with metronome in progressive tempo. (5 B no metronome.) Short walk around the house in between the 2. But always preceded by: a few i-m, m-a and i-a repetitions tirando and apoyando on 6 open strings, to ‘taste’ my sound, nail condition and posture. Adjust any if necessary.

    Session 1: 1A, 2A,B, 4E.  I spend quite some time on 1A, first on open strings, in very slow tempo, trying very conscientiously to relax completely after every chord played with pima (play-relax). 2A, 2B and 4 E: I vary not only the tempo, but also the accents and sometimes punctuate (is that an English word? You know what I mean...)

    2nd session: 3B,A,C, start metronome on 60, go up 6 at a time.  My block somewhere around 102. Coordination is a problem, my (LH)fingers start making bigger movements if I try higher tempo. I also feel the tension in my (L+R)fingers (and feet) get stronger. 5B (no metronome) I like this one a lot, but it’s harder than I thought to keep the pace steady and the tone even and strong all the way.

    if I have time tomorrow I’ll make a recording. Is it an idea to record a whole session? Must be big file, and not very interesting to watch...

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      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      joosje Hi Joosje - sounds like you've been really busy! Look forward to the recording. I've been concentrating on the scales - specifically exercise 3A - as I usually use free stroke except for melody and emphasis. I'm also finding some problems with coordination and I've realised that, although I start relaxed, I get more and more tense through the exercise and as I try to increase the metronome speed. Perhaps it will get easier!

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      joosje hi Joosje! I have the same question about what to record. I think I will record each exercise and then edit snippets, and then edit the snippets into one video which hopefully won’t be long. You’re right I can’t imagine sitting through long sessions of watching someone do these exercises, lol.

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    • joosje You are very disciplined, Joosje! Can you share that gift with me?

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      joosje Hi Joosje! Wow, congratulations on being so disciplined and well organized. As Eric was saying, sometimes I wish I had more of that characteristic, myself 😉

      When it comes to the question of what to record, that is one way to do it, Debbie !

      You can also just practice everything by yourself without recording, and then do a quick recorded run-through of every exercise you've been practicing at the end, almost as if you were performing them as a piece.

      No need to record the whole process of practicing - a simple run-through at the end should be enough!

    • Debbie
    • Debbie
    • 3 yrs ago
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    So I’m thinking of recording each exercise and then editing snippets, and then editing the snippets into one, hopefully not too long, recording. OR I can upload separate videos of each exercise and win a PRIZE for the most posts! 😂 

    I think I will do the first 😉

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Debbie Hi Debbie! That's certainly one way to do it 👍

      Like I was saying in the other post though, you can also just practice everything by yourself without recording, and then do a quick recorded run-through of every exercise you've been practicing at the end, almost as if you were performing them as a piece.

      No need to record the whole process of practicing - a simple run-through at the end should be enough!

    • Debbie
    • Debbie
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I distilled the practice down to 4 minutes by taking snippets of the recording. The exercise I'm doing is titled in either lower left or lower right of the video. I hope this is a good format for submitting the exercises. I was scratching my head a bit as to how to do it so that it wouldn't be too long. 

    Like 8
    • Debbie Good work, Debbie!

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    • Debbie Brava and thanks, I understood how to work👋👍😊

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      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Debbie Well done Debbie. You seem so relaxed! How do you do it?

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Giuseppe Gasparini oh great! I’m glad it was helpful!

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ron oh thanks! It’s the tension I do still have that’s holding me back. Which is why I’m here. When I grow up I want to be just like Mircea! LOL

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    • Debbie Well done!

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