slippiest trebles strings?

I recently decided to splurge gotten myself the Goldin 725MHT to try but to my horror, both B and G strings broke at the string tie (im using Rosette string tie bead) in succession. 


I normally do a double loop for the High E strings for all carbon strings but not the B and G strings. The problem tying double loop on a string tie is that they might become stuck which render the string tie unusable.  


Just curious to hear from folks if they have any B and G strings that they used that required a double loop tie and how do you tie them if not using string tie bead. 

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  • I recently changed my strings as well.  I followed "How to Change Your Strings" by Mircea Gogoncea on tone base.  He uses a knot on the high strings.  The only trouble I had was the high E string broke as I toned it.  The knot snapped and damaged the face right below the bridge.  It's very small chip, anyone can't notice it.  It's no issue with me cause my guitar is an entry level guitar.  He warns many times about it.  Next time I change strings I will go back to a double loop and not use the knot technic.

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      • don
      • don.2
      • 1 yr ago
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      Ricardo Leaños thanks! That's the scary part then the string break, that it might damage the guitar. I'll go check it out later the video later. 


      Andre Bernier thanks, that's a very clean way to tie the string. and it looks like there isn't much need to clip the string if you tie it this way. The challenge for me when I use a string tie, I normally have to clip the excess strings. So when it slipped or broke, I have no more excess length to re-use the string. 


      Blaise Laflamme The saddest thing is the E string has such nice resonance and I can only imagine how beautiful the B and G string sounds like now.  I will do the same for all trebles now. Normally I have no issue with B and G and this is first time it happened. Guess I've been lucky. 

    • don the whole set sounds great, the basses are a bit stiff to my taste, and the goldish color of the strings gives a classy look.

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      • don
      • don.2
      • 1 yr ago
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      Yes, they looked really good, I just ordered an extra G and B strings and this time I’m going to triple loop them. 


      In your opinion is there any other comparable strings that are cheaper? 

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    • don By chance you can order single strings... if you change the set once a month you will ruin yourself, unless you get sponsored by Hannabach! 😅 For me, the best carbon treble strings are still the Savarez Alliance combined with either their Corum or Cantiga basses (depending if I play spruce or cedar). Again for me, they offer the best dynamics, colors and legato as well as a smooth and consistent sound across the 3rd and 4th strings. A set of Savarez Alliance Corum is about half the price of Hannabach Goldins. Where do you order your strings?

      • don
      • don.2
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Yep I did ordered the separate strings again.  Ya it is really too expensive no matter how beautiful it sound.


      I normally buy from stringsbymail. I normally uses Savarez Cantiga but have never tried their Corum, will give it a try next. Thanks!

    • don I don't know where you live and what currency you're using for transactions but for me, here in Canada, all European string brands are cheaper when I order them from Lord of the Strings (Netherlands); like Savarez, Hannabach, Aquila, Knobloch, etc...

      Corum basses have a darker sound than Cantiga (better for spruce IMHO) and feels a bit different under the fingers, Cantiga Premiums basses are kind of a mix between both.

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      • don
      • don.2
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme LOS doesn't deliver to Singapore. So for me SBM is still best option as it is much cheaper than I can get from the physical stores here. Gonna try Corum next. 

    • don Oh OK! At least SMB does and is still the best option in most cases. If you like carbon trebles, have you tried the D'Addario EJ46FF (with Dynacore basses), it's another sound and feel.

      • don
      • don.2
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Is this the titanium trebles? I've tried those before,  I remember them being easy to play on, are not too bright, warm and consistent. But I'm not a fan. Sorry but I cannot find a better word but boring is the best way I know how to describe them. 😣

    • don No the Titanium set is EJ46TT, but the basses are the same in both sets. Your observations of the Titanium are similar to mine, and also after a week they tend to sound more and more like plastic. If you find them boring, like me, you'll probably also find the carbon set the same.

      If you like or want to try Augustine strings they have their carbon sets named Paragon.

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      • don
      • don.2
      • 1 yr ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Thanks for the recommendation! Just placed an order for it. Gonna try it after the Corum.  

  • Hello Don,

    I never experienced a new string breaking at the string tie on the guitar bridge. However, I experienced many times a string tie just slipping because the tie was probably not done properly.

    I am not using the ''Rosette string bead'' despite they look like an interesting tool. Here is briefly the approach I am currently using that have so far a 100% good results 👍


    For high E, B and G string:

    I start with the high E and pass the string in the bridge hole, bring the butt back under the string (toward me), on top of the string and in the loop (butt toward me). Then a second and third loop. I keep the butt a few inches (3 or 4) long. I finally pull both string and butt as tight as possible keeping the butt on the back end of the bridge.

    I do the same with the B string but capture the high E butt in the B string knot in the process.

    I do the same with the G string but capture the High E and B string knot knot in the process.

    I do the same process with the other strings but with only two loops and capturing any butt long enough in the process.

    At the end I just cut short any excess butt left.


    Hope this will help

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  • I'm sad to hear that Don, I've used the Goldin a few times with my cedar top and like any other treble carbon strings I usually do a triple loop on them.

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