slippiest trebles strings?
I recently decided to splurge gotten myself the Goldin 725MHT to try but to my horror, both B and G strings broke at the string tie (im using Rosette string tie bead) in succession.
I normally do a double loop for the High E strings for all carbon strings but not the B and G strings. The problem tying double loop on a string tie is that they might become stuck which render the string tie unusable.
Just curious to hear from folks if they have any B and G strings that they used that required a double loop tie and how do you tie them if not using string tie bead.
I recently changed my strings as well. I followed "How to Change Your Strings" by Mircea Gogoncea on tone base. He uses a knot on the high strings. The only trouble I had was the high E string broke as I toned it. The knot snapped and damaged the face right below the bridge. It's very small chip, anyone can't notice it. It's no issue with me cause my guitar is an entry level guitar. He warns many times about it. Next time I change strings I will go back to a double loop and not use the knot technic.
Hello Don,
I never experienced a new string breaking at the string tie on the guitar bridge. However, I experienced many times a string tie just slipping because the tie was probably not done properly.
I am not using the ''Rosette string bead'' despite they look like an interesting tool. Here is briefly the approach I am currently using that have so far a 100% good results
For high E, B and G string:
I start with the high E and pass the string in the bridge hole, bring the butt back under the string (toward me), on top of the string and in the loop (butt toward me). Then a second and third loop. I keep the butt a few inches (3 or 4) long. I finally pull both string and butt as tight as possible keeping the butt on the back end of the bridge.
I do the same with the B string but capture the high E butt in the B string knot in the process.
I do the same with the G string but capture the High E and B string knot knot in the process.
I do the same process with the other strings but with only two loops and capturing any butt long enough in the process.
At the end I just cut short any excess butt left.
Hope this will help