V. Audio & Video // FEB 8th

This week we will dip our toes into the wondrous world of music video production! For this we will work with the NLE (non linear editor) Davinci Resolve by Blackmagic Design 📷🎬📽. 

Since Version 17 is still in Beta-Phase, I highly recommend using Version 16. It is always nice to test new functions, but Beta-Software is often still quite buggy. In my case, definitely too buggy to do professional work with (and I already tested Version 17, I needed several re-installs to have it work only to find that I need to re-install again).

Please use this thread if you have any questions concerning the workbook or general questions concerning Audio and Video!

Click here to access Session 5: Audio & Video // Feb 8th (Live!)

Find the other sessions here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 

Download the second workbook here

Please keep in mind that video production often puts high demands on your computer, so you might find it very slow or nearly impossible to work with DaVinci if you have outdated or not so powerful  hardware. 

Minimum system requirements for macOS

  • Mac 10.14.6 Mojave
  • 16 GB of system memory. 32 GB when using Fusion
  • Blackmagic Design Desktop Video 10.4.1 or later
  • Integrated GPU or discrete GPU with at least 2GB of VRAM.
  • GPU which supports Metal or OpenCL 1.2.

Minimum system requirements for Windows

  • Windows 10 Update
  • 16 GB of system memory. 32 GB when using Fusion
  • Blackmagic Design Desktop Video 10.4.1 or later
  • Integrated GPU or discrete GPU with at least 2GB of VRAM
  • GPU which supports OpenCL 1.2 or CUDA 11
  • NVIDIA/AMD/Intel GPU Driver version – As required by your GPU
  • A minimum NVIDIA driver version of 451.82 is recommended.

Minimum system requirements for Linux

  • CentOS 7.3
  • 32 GB of system memory
  • Blackmagic Design Desktop Video 10.4.1 or later
  • Discrete GPU with at least 2GB of VRAM
  • GPU which supports OpenCL 1.2 or CUDA 11
  • NVIDIA/AMD Driver version – As required by your GPU
  • A minimum NVIDIA driver version of 450.51.06 is recommended.


I will post the answers to the questionnaire on Feb 17th! 

After the live stream, submit your assignments by replying to this thread!

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  • Here's the timestamps (approx.):
    4:30 - Recap of previous workshops
    7:00 - iZotope Elements
    9:20 - FIR filter
    12:45 - Recap of critical listening workshop & room notes
    24:10 - Final Cut Pro X as an alternative to Davinci Resolve
    26:55 - Reaper for simple video editing
    29:12 - Non-linear editor definition
    29:42 - Where is the Gonimeter?
    31:10 - iMovie (a non-linear editor)
    32:32 - Audio / Video editing (Martins Reaper Project)
    33:18 - The AT 3031 mics
    37:45 - Sample Rate
    40:27 - Recording graduate labels
    42:05 - The Clap
    45:00 - Recording in 192 khz.
    48:00 - Export recording in WAV format.
    50:20 - Exporting in AIFF format.
    53:00 - Recording with smartphone and Zoom H6
    54:19 - Advantage of small diaphram vs large diaphram condenser microphone.
    56:55 - What strings do you prefer for recording?
    58:17 - Panning a guitar quartet.
    1:00:00 - Davinci Resolve.
    1:10:50 - Auto Sync Audio.
    1:20:45 - Manually lining up audio and video.
    1:23:50 - Inserting a marker to create a sync.
    1:25:40 - Editing capabilities of Davinci.
    1:29:00 - Audio fade in.
    1:31:00 - The blade tool.
    1:33:00 - Working with different angles.
    1:38:26 - Davinci crashed - rebuilding project.
    1:49:25 - Question with choir of 26 voices.
    1:50:34 - Do we record the video with finished audio track in our ears?
    1:56:22 - Inserting titles.
    2:01:50 - Exporting the project.
    2:07:41 - If audio track includes bits from takes at varying speeds, can video be resynched?
    2:09:35 - Importing video file into Reaper + 3-Point edit.
    2:21:20 - Could you show how to create the title on a black background before the video starts?

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Philip Awesome, I pinned that post, thank you so much!

      • Olli
      • Mr. Pizza
      • Saitenzwirbler
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Philip thank you so much !❤️

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    • martinTeam
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    • martin.3
    • 4 yrs ago
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    We will be hosting another Excerpt Masterclass with Rene Izquierdo on Feb 20th, this is the perfect opportunity to put your newly acquired skills to good use! 🎉🎧 Of course editing that recording would defy the purpose of that masterclass, but you can use all of the other techniques we've looked at and create a video so that you can get tailor-made advice by Rene!

    Post your recordings along with a score in the following forum thread:

    Rene Izquierdo: Workshop + Excerpt Masterclass VOL.2! (Feb 20) (← click here!)

    (Of course it's perfectly fine to make a quick smartphone recording as long as your performance comes across. But since this is the "tonebase Academy Recording Course" Forum, as your instructor I'd like to see many of your wonderful  submissions there, just make sure to post them in the dedicated forum thread I've linked above 🧙‍♂️)

    • martinTeam
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    • martin.3
    • 4 yrs ago
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    You can get my Reaper Project, wavs and video footage by following this Google Drive Link! 


    I transcoded the footage from RAW to H.264, so it should work on any system (since H.264 is a standard codec), but the compression is a little heavier in terms of computing than a RAW file (which is just HUUUGE in terms of file size).

  • Hi Martin, so here I am with my video-audio product. Actually I am not that fast. The reason I can submit now is that I did the recording of a video and audio already last week and I already editted the audio in Reaper and used it to submit to lesson number 3 (All about Dynamics). Yesterday I processed the raw video and sync to the edited audio files to result in this video here. I was using HitFilm Express instead of Davinca Resolve though. :) 


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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Khiem Nguyen Wow, this is super awesome! A clean and crisp audio makes such a difference in  a production like that, the quality increases instantly! Love it!

      I have the feeling that between 0:35-1:20 you are sometimes slighly out of sync, did you happen to make some edits there? Afterwards everything seems fine again, so you probably did clean insert cuts! To monitor your edits it's best to import your video files into Reaper and check them while editing! 

    • martin Hi Martin, thank you for your nice feedback. I am afraid that not only between 0:35-1:20, but also the whole clip is slightly out of sync, because I manually synchronized the video and audio and did not do the sync perfectly. The audio is slightlly in advance compared to the video ^_^ For my next video, I will try to have a perfect sync between the video and the audio :)

  • With Davinci Resolve, I tried two hours to put the titles, in the end I went back to Imovie😂

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Giuseppe Gasparini DaVinci can get a little bit overwhelming, that is true! Show us your result once you are finished! 🙌🧙‍♂️

    • Olli
    • Mr. Pizza
    • Saitenzwirbler
    • 4 yrs ago
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    martin  Hello Martin, thank you so much for your workshop. It will take me a long time to understand everything step by step. Also I am working at the moment with "Open broadcast software" and  "I-Movie" .... this is really a challenge and makes also much fun. 

    Your workshop motivated me to start recording again 😎

    Best Regards 


      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Olli That sounds wonderful, your recordings got definitely better each time, I look forward to many more!!

    • Barney
    • Barney
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Sorry Martin.  Looks like I submitted a zip file instead of the WAV.  Please let me know if this is the right one and you can play it.  Thanks!

  • Hello,

    My video was almost ready before the last workshop, and I published it on Youtube few days ago. It was a playback, because the green screen needs the right light which my recording room doesn't have (and I am always nervous in front of the camera and always make mistakes). Mixing was done on Ableton, and I used Wondershare Filmora for video editing. Synchronizing the music with the video was very difficult, because I did not think of applausing or something distinguishable. It was a little crazy because I had to drag the video and listen until they matched. İf I knew Davinci Resolve before, it would be much more easier, so thanks for the tips. I will use that app in my next videos. After sync process, I cut some clips from the movie and matched with the suitable parts of the music. I also made an anime avatar for myself and put it on the intro. I used Adobe After Effects for intro and some other parts.  

    The piece is from the movie of Miyazaki, Laputa Castle in the Sky. It is the guitar arrangement of the main theme, composed by Joe Hisaishi. 



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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Gokce Turkmendag PUUUAAAAAAH, THIS IS AWESOME!!! This is quite a workflow you've established there, you even included keying and After Effects, that's pretty impressive, although I think you can solve the beginning with something like Premiere Pro as well (just because After Effects is such a beast to work with). Really impressive, and having watched all movies from Studio Ghibli (my gf is Japanese), I can say that this is a wonder rendition! Did you make the transcription yourself?

      I would be interested in the original wav-file, I think there is either a phase issue or your are lacking a lot of high end information on the left channel, somehow the phantom image seems off-centered without, but only in a certain frequency range! This is especially problematic when low and high-frequency information is detached from one another as we usually perceive low frequencies as mono and high frequencies as highly directional. This is caused by the the sheer wave length of low frequencies and an evolutionary development: We didn't really NEED to know from where low frequencies aka earthquakes, , landslides mammoths or other beasts were coming from, we just needed to know to get the hell out of here or seek shelter as fast as possible 🐅🐘⛈ 

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    • martin Thank you for watching and your comments. I recorded Castle in the Sky with a mono cardioid mic, and used equalizer, reverb and stereomaker effect. Stereomaker may have caused the phase issue.
      This is not my only anime music project, I also recorded Merry Go Around of Life from Howl's Moving Castle, and Lilium from Elfen Lied. Video recordings of the other two are ready, I am still working on them to publish. 
      For Castle in the Sky, I combined the transcriptions of Tsuyoshi Otai and Gavin Libotte and added little modifications myself. I used the transcription of Gavin Libotte for Merry Go Around of Life. Lilium is my transcription. 
      I am also loading the raw version of Merry Go Around and Lilium. I still have difficulties for mastering Merry Go Around, I think the mic was too close when recording.

      • Derek
      • Derek
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Gokce Turkmendag that's wonderful Gokce. I've been working with similar ideas and green screens but I struggle with my computer as it's not powerful enough. I'm hoping to upgrade soon so I should be able to do more in the future. Yours is very impressive!

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    • martin Lilium has a little hard drive noise, I hope nobody hears 🙉🤫

    • Derek thank you, and I hope you will do it. I started with my old notebook, but it was impossible to render those large files. Now I use a much stronger desktop, it is not very powerful but enough. You must be very patient when waiting for the render process 🙂

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Gokce Turkmendag wonderful! Noise levels are still within usual range, so I wouldn't bother too much! If you decide to use a FIR filter, I would go only for a couple db of noise reduction, otherwise the filtering might get audible in the transients!

      I'd recommend to ditch stereorizer effect and add spaciousness via reverb (or only use it very subtly, I like to use them at the end of my mastering chain with only a 5-10% increase of stereo width), it's probably too distracting of you overdo that effect. I might work better if you have  lot of instruments, but again: since the stereoizer has no way of telling which frequencies belong to wihch instrument, it will cause mislocation (means that you can hear frequencies of the same instrument coming from entirely different directions).
      Anyway, I love that you have an overall theme for your productions, it's great to have a portfolio that grows and gets better and better over time! 

      We still would be very happy if you decide to record something for the next Excerpt Masterclass with René Izquierdo!

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    • martin thank you so much for the tips. I have already sent my recording for Mircea's class for tomorrow's session, but there is a piece I have been working on for a month and have some questions. I will record an excerpt and send it as soon as possible.

      • martinTeam
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      • 4 yrs ago
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      Gokce Turkmendag Awesome 🙌🙌🙌

    • Debbie
    • Debbie
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I am confused... was there a problem with my submission in this thread? It is no longer here. Pray tell if I made some kind of mistake. 

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Debbie Dear Debbie, this is wonderful, thank you for that submission! Your performance is beautifully captured, we can hear a lot of details of your performance. The subtle use of reverb definitely helped with the "small room" ambiance. I'd personally go for a bigger room size (not necessarily more reverb). Have you taken a look at "Nimbus" by Izotope/Exponential Audio which is currently on sale via Plugin Boutique? It's an awesome versatile algorithmic reverb for 200$, at the moment you can get if or approx. 30$.

      And have you considered recording something for the upcoming Excerpt Masterclass with Rene Izquierdo on Feb 20th? I think a lot of viewers can benefit from the quality of your recording AND your performance when you decide to share your recording along with the score that in the dedicated forum!

      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 4 yrs ago
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      martin thanks Martin! Is that reverb plug in compatible with Logic?

      And thank you for the suggestion to submit this to Rene’s Masterclass. I’ve been toying around with the idea of doing something but was waiting until I finished the recording course 😁 I think I can do a better job on this piece though. I just powered through it for the Sor challenge but it lacks finesse so I might re-record it. My pride would hate to be corrected for something I know I should and could have done differently. But I know it would be hugely beneficial for myself and hopefully others. 

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