Rene Izquierdo: Workshop + Excerpt Masterclass VOL.2! (Feb 20)

By popular demand Rene Izquierdo will be answering your questions from the chat and accept short recorded excerpts AGAIN from you for a unique, tailor-made masterclass experience!!!


To make this helpful to as many people as possible, we suggest sending in excerpts of single passages, up to 30 seconds in length. This also takes the pressure off of having to perform an entire piece at a time.


If you do want to send in a full recording, that's fine! Let us know what timestamp (minute & second) you would like us to focus on, so we can pay special attention to those.


In addition, you are most certainly open to send in text questions before the masterclass using this very thread

The format for sending in videos is the same as in all tonebase public masterclasses: 

  • Submit right here, by replying to this thread!
  • (Alternatively, send me your video submission at [email protected])
  • You can either attach a video directly from your computer, or paste a link to a YouTube video
  • (If you opt to use a YouTube video, it can be unlisted - no need to make it public!)

Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:


  • What questions do you have for him?
  • Any particular area you would like him to focus on?

Forum questions will be answered first!

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  • Hello to Rene and Martin, I wanted to kindly ask Rene, an advice in particular on the second part, Thanks for all this👍😊

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Giuseppe Gasparini thank your for video, we will take a closer look at this! :) 

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    • Giuseppe Gasparini Hi Martin, I have a slightly better version😊👍

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  • Hello everyone. I have been practicing Scarlatti's Sonata in D K.213 for a month. I followed Martha Masters's course, but have  problem with some trills in the second part. In the video I played between measures 30 and 39 in order to maintain the integrity, but you can focus on the trills in the last measures between 36 and 39. I don't know what to do with the trills on two strings at the same time. Additionally, the measure 37 feels wrong to me, I expect the same measure as 36 (played that way). I hope you can help me with this. 

    Best regards,


      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Gokce Turkmendag Thank you for your submission! 🎉

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  • Hello Mircea. I'm late with submitting this for Maestro Rene's 2nd masterclass. Maybe it will be for another of your own masterclasses.

    This prelude by Nikita Koshkin is new for me. I played the valse once, not knowing it goes with this prelude... Never too late to learn.


    I recorded the first 2 pages

    I want to focus on the connection between the smooth melodic part and the rhythmical section 2, with the ostinato e and strong bass line. And on the continuation of this ostinato over the next 2 pages...

    My (R)hand starts to stiffen and I get so tensed that I wont make it happily through the next 2 pages, and  loose control over the balance of voices. 

    In the melodic part: the many dynamic signs also tend to make me loose the  basic tempo at times.

    I would be happy with some advice before I take the piece as a whole.


    • joosje This is SO beautiful! At 0:50 seconds, your tone almost makes me cry, it's so good.

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    • Eric thank you Eric.

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    • joosje Beautiful!

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    • joosje great performance, beautiful tone! 

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      joosje Truly beautiful, it'll be a wonderful addition for today's masterclass!

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    • martin thank you! Looking forward....

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  • Hello,


    I'd like to submit Scarlatti's K 208 (A section only) for Rene's class.


    I'd love to hear general thoughts from Rene about my sound and my technique. Interpretative thoughts about the piece would be great, as it is a piece with with he is very familiar. One specific spot that is difficult for me is the trill in bar 11, going into the deceptive cadence in bar 12 - the fingering is very awkward for me, so any help would be very appreciated.


    I'm not sure if I can attend this masterclass live, but if not, I will certainly watch it later.




    • Eric that’s a great Scarlatti. Sounds perfect to me.

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    • joosje You're very kind, but it is far from perfect!

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Eric Thank you, I look forward to what René has to say about this! 🙌

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  • Good afternoon
    I've been looking for new pieces for my repertoire and Whirler of the dance by Carlos Rivera is in my sights
    today I noticed that this one was dedicated to R.Izquierdo.
    I don't know if he ever played the piece, but the first bars of the dance in pizzas seem to me of great difficulty
    can you give me any advice for the correct execution
    to their
    thank you

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      ajcraimundo Very interesting, if you attach the score of the passage I can forward that to him (don't know if he has the score at hand).

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    • ajcraimundo 

      aqui vai obrigado

  • Here is my submission  for Rene; Villa lobos Etude 3 Bar 4. My left hand begins to fatigue playing bar 4. Suggestions to overcome this? 

    Thank you!

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      david robinson Thank you David!

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    • Lawrencenull
    • Play guitar to live
    • Law
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Can Rene and other professional guitarists give us a full details of how to play and interpret JS Bach music and other Baroque music on classical guitar? Example: The JS Bach's Violin Partita and Lute Suite transcriptions, fingerings and dynamic and etc. etc. I am a member of Tone base and found most of the advance repertoire is limited in scope and details explanation on interpretations and how to finger a music scores, aural skill or listening skill and guitar transcription skill and knowledge. Other musical instrument knowledge should be learnt by guitarists to enhance their general musicianship, Many ameuter guitarists can not afford to pay tuition fee to qualified music teachers. From my personal experience, in 1970-1990s I can not find a qualified or professional guitarists in my city or place to teach me music lessons or to play guitar in a proper manner. Most teachers were piano or violin teachers and not qualified guitarist. So I did not benefit much from his or her teaching or lessons on guitar playing. Now we have the ICT technology to seek highly experience teacher to teach guitar and an opportunities rarely I had in 1970-1980 when I started out to learn to play the guitar.  

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  • boa tarde

    se possível indicar algumas sugestões para tocar os

    compassos 59-85 da sonata jazz 3 andamento - edição revisada 2007 de D. Bogdnanovic

    relativamente à gravação não a posso enviar para já ( não tenho como qualidade )


    • Derek
    • Derek
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi Martin


    I hope it's not too late to be included in the excerpt masterclass tonight (no problems if it is). It is just 4 bars of music. The last 4 bars of the C section of Villa Lobos Choros no 1 which are in the attached PDF - the last bar on the second line from the bottom and the three bars on the bottom line leading to the repeat (I've played the beginning of the repeat also). I struggle to play these bars at tempo when I play through the whole piece (I have other problem areas as well but this is the worst one!). I would be grateful for any advice that Maestro Izquierdo could give on playing this. I hope that you can see my left hand clearly. Thank you very much Derek

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Derek Awesome, I will forward the information to René! Since there are already a couple of submissions I am not sure if we have enough time, but there will be definitely a next Excerpt Masterclass! 👋

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