Week 4: Music from Latin America! 🔥

Welcome to the Main Thread for the last week of the "Music from Latin America" challenge! 

Your submissions are absolutely fantastic, keep them coming!

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  • I promised that I´ll play another Latin Rithm, this is a Carranga, is born in Colombia (South America) its a mix of merengue and rumba, ist the traditional music in the rural zones.

    I hope that enjoy it!

    Like 7
    • Oscar Leonardo Molina Sierra Loved it, Oscar! Thanks for sharing!

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Oscar Leonardo Molina Sierra Those were really fun, Oscar. Your enthusiasm is infectious.

    • Oscar Leonardo Molina Sierra I agree with the comments above and join Stefanie for the dancing

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Oscar Leonardo Molina Sierra Great!! Thank you! Te felicito, amigo! Gracias!

      • Wainull
      • Wai_Ng
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Oscar Leonardo Molina Sierra The music was so happy and lively, and the instrument was interesting but I think changing strings would be quite painful... 😅

    • Lars Kjøller-Hansennull
    • Amateur with too little time and bingeplayer with sore arms and fingers
    • Lars_KjollerHansen
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Well, these 3-4 weeks challenges seem to short for my present life and skills 

    Has been extremely busy this months have not even listened to most your submissions

    What are the essential of latinamerican music to me: Lazy like Se ela perguntar or advanced rhythms like in Danza Brasileira

    What was the first latin piece  you played : Lauro waltz no 2.

    Have you problems with the advanced/syncopated rhythms: Yeah, just listen!


    Misionera and Danza Brasileira

    Far below standard compared to your others submission. But I consider the challenge as a mean to get inspired to play new challenging pieces. There are things that every human does that to me are a lot more embarrassing to show in public than playing imperfectly during practicing. 
    This is far as I reached with a subtraction from my hurting right hand.

    I built a new patio in the beachhouse this week and the electric saw was defect so my right hands is absolutely numb and dead after 1 or 2 minutes playing- and you might hear.

    And they are absolutely first takes. My right hands condition don’t allow more takes

    Probably the rhythm in the samba sucks in some bars/phrases


    Verano Porteno- Piazzola

    This is sort of a cheat as it is a 18 month old recording. But just as a comfort  to myself that I can make it better with enough time. Unfortunately I laid this piece away then  and don't remember it longer

    Like 6
    • Lars Kjøller-Hansen Incredible, Lars! You are so good at these fast, rhythmic pieces. They were all great, but my favorite is the Piazzola.

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Lars Kjøller-Hansen Lars, your submissions always amaze me. As rough as the first submissions are, they still blow me away as first recordings. If your saw affected your playing, perhaps I can borrow your saw. 🙂

      Your Piazzolla is amazing. Thanks for presenting these.

      Like 1
    • Lars Kjøller-Hansen that was just great. The Piazzolla admirable. Great piece, and you play it with the energy and the freedom in the B section that brings the piece to life. Makes a really good performance.

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Lars Kjøller-Hansen Wow! You really break a leg! Your post is amazing, but the Piazzolla was breathtaking! You played like a Porteño. Thank you!

    • Lars Kjøller-Hansen wooow! such a fun listening!

    • Lars Kjøller-Hansen I fly away with your amazing playing!!!!

      • Wainull
      • Wai_Ng
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Lars Kjøller-Hansen Amazing! I could really feel the groove and energy in the music!

      • Lars Kjøller-Hansennull
      • Amateur with too little time and bingeplayer with sore arms and fingers
      • Lars_KjollerHansen
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Jack Stewart Moyses Lopes Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz Wai joosje  Thank you for your encouraging comments but most of all for your engagement, passion,  good music and positive spirit you provide. What positive energies, I envy you.

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      • Lars Kjøller-Hansennull
      • Amateur with too little time and bingeplayer with sore arms and fingers
      • Lars_KjollerHansen
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jack Stewart I really like your sense of humor, also noted in several other posts

  • Brouwer - Estudio Sencillo No 8

    This one is much more to my tastes than the previous one. I like the imitative polyphony in the A section. The B section sounds better when it's faster, so there's more of a contrast with the A section, but this is as fast as I can play it.

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips That was really nice, Eric. I like that one as well. All of these etudes have very Brouwer-esque  character.

      Like 1
    • Jack Stewart Thanks, Jack. I don't know his music very well, but from what I do know, it strikes me that it is incredibly diverse.

    • Eric Phillips o wow. This one of my favorites too. You have an amazing  sound here, with warmth and strength, does honor to the piece. 

      Like 1
    • joosje Thank you so much, Joosje! Very kind.

    • joosje yes,so I felt it too

  • Late in the challenge, but I am just curious how many of you are familiar with the Preludios epigramaticos, by Leo Brouwer. There are six of them, here the first one:

    ” Desde el alba  quiso ser alba, toda eres madre” a poem by Miguel Hernandez, from the “Poemas de Amor”, to be precise.

    I am still working on Brouwer’s “danza characteristica” and also the “danza del Altiplano”, not able too choose, so both still “travail a faire”…


    these six preludes are so ‘zen’, and very nice to play. Listening back to this recording I realize that I should be able to make more contrast in loudness and tone color. Worked on that, but I don’t hear what I expected….

    Like 5
    • joosje Well played, Joosje! You are right, that sounds quite "zen". I had heard of them before, but I don't think I had ever actually heard any of them played. Thanks for introducing me to these.

    • joosje Very nice!  I had heard of these Preludios and you played this first one so well.  Very beautiful and lyrical.  

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      joosje It's new for me, but I love it at first sight! Really beautiful and profound. As usual, your interpretation is very expressive. Thank you!

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