Practicing Slurs like a Boss!

When learning to have good sounding slurs, we are taught about the speed and distance requirements of our left hand fingers and which exercises to do. But there is more to it that can make slurs not only sound better, but also feel better by focusing on other approaches such as placement, tension and release, hand and arm angle, large movements versus small.. and more! Join your host Ashley Lucero as she takes you through both the common and uncommon ways to think about and practice your slurs.


PLEASE NOTE: this event is at a different time than our usual, please be sure to put it in the calendar to help you remember it is at 5pm PT!

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  • I can not participate in the lifestream but I will do the exercises  and try your advices!

    Like 2
    • Nora Torres-Nagel wonderful!

  • I am not able to participate in the live stream but will watch the replay. I signed up for the challenge.

    Like 1
    • Martha Kreipke awesome, good luck!

  • Please add me to the slur program 6.16.22. Is this in conjunction Martin's program 6.20.22 on slurs?

    • peter hancock This is a separate but supplemental live-stream on the subject! :) You're always welcome to attend any live-stream you wish!

    • Debbie
    • Debbie
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I won’t be able to make it to the livestream due to the time difference to Bulgaria but I will watch the replay. Looking forward to the challenge.

  • Really looking forward to this one Martin

  • Very helpful...thanks Ashley

  • Great session.   Just caught up today.  Thank you.  

  • Hi everyone! Here is my outline and a quick practice routine at the bottom of the file. :) thanks Barney  for the reminder!

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Ashley (Ash) Lucero Thanks Ash!

    • Barney Hello Ashely thank you for a wonderful video about slurs. First I have a request for you can you share the sheet music of your slurs exercises and what books can I buy to practice slurs.


      Second, can you make a Livestream about all the equipment that every classical guitar player considers to play properly?


      Thanks for your livestreams are fabulous.


      P.D. you have a beautiful black cat I love cats

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