Week 3: Draft // Apr 5th
Welcome to Week 3! This week we focused on form, setting parameters, and drafting in aims of completing more short pieces.
The assignment for this week is to blueprint (plan) our ideas into whole pieces (arch map, graphic drawing, text) and complete at least 1 rough draft.
Use the following format to post:
Things you found easy:
Things you found difficult:
More information or graphics/files of your completed assignment.
Congrats on making it to week 3, my fellow composers!
Hi, Ashley.
This week I haven´t sent my homework, but I´ve done it (at least part of it). I chose a simple 4 note motive and played with it for a couple of days. I´ve barely had time to have a look at my fellow composers´work (awesome, by the way). The fact is that I need so much time to write. I mean, I don´t even start writing if I´m not sure I´ll have 2-3 hours for the task, wich happens only once in a while. I go nowhere with, say, half an hour. Ideas seem to take their time comming up. Any tips on this? My other question is: when do you stop rewriting if you are not happy with the final "product"?
You are doing a wonderful job. THANK YOU.
Igor said:
You are doing a wonderful job. THANK YOU.There is no doubt that Ashley and Mircea are a perfect fit in this regard
Here is my first draft (Lullaby)
Things I found easy: the idea appeared out of nowhere and suddenly, right away, ready in my head...
Things I found difficult: it was difficult (and still is!) to "fine-tune" details such as individual chords and overall playability (I didn't want to write something extremely difficult, but also too easy - it's hard to balance these elements ...)