Week 3: Draft // Apr 5th

Welcome to Week 3! This week we focused on form, setting parameters, and drafting in aims of completing more short pieces. 


The assignment for this week is to blueprint (plan) our ideas into whole pieces (arch map, graphic drawing, text) and complete at least 1 rough draft.


Use the following format to post:


Things you found easy:

Things you found difficult:

More information or graphics/files of your completed assignment.


Congrats on making it to week 3, my fellow composers!

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  • Hi everybody, here is my Lulaby piece. I would appreciate your feedback. :) I was wanting to make the melody more soft and sweet, but ended up making another valse in 3/4. Hence the name "Little dancing piece". I think it has a classical color like Carulli :)


    Things I find difficult: It is difficult to come up with a Nice, soft Melody that can put a baby to sleep. I tried with a time signature of 6/8, but I can't come up with a rythm that can put a baby to sleep, yet.

    • Debbie thanks a lot Debbie! It motivates me a lot to continue writing! ^^ I have never written any music before this. 

    • Khiem Nguyen I've been thinking about your "problem" with the melody (which is already nice!), I suggest trying out longer note values for the melody, sometimes maybe even crossing over two barlines. it can be tempting to have something happening in the melody constantly, but remember that space is also an aspect of music and we need to learn how to use it rather than ignore it. hope this helps!

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    • Ashley (Ash) Lucero thanks a lot for your advice. I will try to incorporate that idea into my melody. Let the melody rings :)

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    • Roni Glasernull
    • Classical guitarist and composer
    • roniglaser
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Just thought I'd post what I've been doing so far:

    I've made a plan of my piece. No Takemitsu this time, only eccentric🙃

    From Ash's suggestion of writing a theme and variations piece, I thought about how I've always been shocked by how many composers have written variations on "La Folia", so I thought I'd do one. It'll have cadences in it too, like the ones we were talking about.

    I also liked Ash's idea of writing bad music, so I decided to write bad music. Not bad meaning bad but bad meaning good😎. Like badass music.

    The plan basically shows the dynamics and how the materials (I haven't included much detail on them...you'll just have to wait) I'm planning to use are arranged and varied in the structure. I don't know if it gives you much of an idea of what I'm going to do, but hopefully I'll be able to finish the piece by Monday and it'll make more sense.

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      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Roni Glaser What a great roadmap! I got lost in my forest a long time ago 😄

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    • Roni Glaser you hit the nail on the head with this one! thanks for sharing :) 

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      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ashley (Ash) Lucero Roni is Roni - impossible to forge! 😄

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Roni Glaser great outline! This will definitely get you to a finished piece.

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    • Marek Tabisznull
    • retired guitar teacher
    • Marek_Tabisz
    • 3 yrs ago
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    OK - I don't think I'll come up with anything smarter until Monday. I may record "Lullaby" by myself, while "Dance" I only put the file generated from the program (too hard to learn and record by monday). 😎
    I'm curious about the opinion of Ash and forum users about my part markings in "Lullaby" (I'm not quite sure about them) 🙂

    • Marek Tabisz Nice work! I cant wait to hear the first part too. You've got some great rhythmic interest going on and very clever use of materials. Thanks for sharing! 

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      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Marek Tabisz Love the dance - look forward to hearing the Lullaby too

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      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ron Tomorow I will record it - I hope 😉

    • Marek Tabisz I look forward to hear your Lullaby, too!

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    • Marek Tabisz very nice pieces! I really like both of them. The harmonies, a bit jazzy, work really well. The rhythm of the Polish dance is great. As for the parts - I guess you mean the repartition  of the voices in the score- seems totally clear and logical to me.

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      • Igornull
      • Igor.2
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Marek Tabisz Oh. man. Really beautiful. I feel envy.

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Marek Tabisz that was awesome! Great melody that I thought was pretty catchy to go along with the equally catchy rhythms!

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    • Marek Tabisz what an original melody and rhythm, very creative indeed! But I don't know how to dance with that piece, you have to teach us the moves 😄💃

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      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gokce Turkmendag I am a very bad dancer! Here is an instruction about "Krakowiak":
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqq2WejbKoI (with English subtittles)

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      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Debbie Thank you! I'm glad you like it! 🙂

    • Marek Tabisz I really enjoyed this video you shared! thanks much

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    • Roni Glasernull
    • Classical guitarist and composer
    • roniglaser
    • 3 yrs ago
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    All right, here's my first draft of bad music, or rather batshit music.

    A variation on La Folia.

    I'm surprised it went pretty much as planned.

    I'll try and get some sort of recording together soon.

    Apologies for the ridiculousness...

      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Roni Glaser Weeell!!... You went sharply forward! Madness!😄👍👋

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      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Roni Glaser What is the tempo Alla merda.... etc? 😂

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      • Roni Glasernull
      • Classical guitarist and composer
      • roniglaser
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Marek Tabisz 

      Ah yes, thanks, I should put a numerical indication too.

      8th note = ca. 280

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      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Roni Glaser very interesting from bar 41 to 109 - almost, almost, almost.....hmm... 🤔 Bolero? Polka? Or Flight of the Bat-blebee (Battlebee....) 😄

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