Carcassi Etudes op.60 Challenge: Kick-Off Livestream

Hey y'all, after the huge success of the Sergio Assad Challenge, we just don't want you to catch your breath! Get ready for our next community challenge with one of the most important etude cycle for classical guitar: Carcassi's "25 Melodic and Progressive Studies" op.60!
Let us kick off our next exciting Community Challenge! Over the course of the next three weeks, we are going to explore Carcassi's "25 Melodic and Progressive Studies" op.60 and discover Carcassi's approach to fundamental elements of guitar technique!
I had just this last week started revisiting Op. 60, and remembered again how much they have to offer. These "melodious studies" were the first thing my new teacher introduced me to when I returned to playing the guitar a couple of years ago (after half-a-lifetime without it). It was like entering at the deep end of the pool... but just like that, it reminded me that I used to know how to swim....more or less (!). And away we went.
The edition I have worked with is the one "edited, fingered and explained by" Rey de la Torre. His commentary/"explains" have a kind of dry wit that sticks with me when I come back to each "study", and each time I return to them, I find something new to work on.
This is my first "challenge" at Tonebase. Looking forward to it!