Shaping your Nails: Going Natural or Making Your Own Fake Nails (Mar 28) Questions / Suggestions
It is tiiiime for... yet another hotly requested topic!
We are really hitting those one by one this month - both through our guest streams and in-house tonebase instructors. So excited about these! Keep the suggestions coming, my friends!
This time, we are going to be talking all about nails: nail shape, nail length, natural versus fake nails, how to achieve the best sound, and - last but not least - I will perform a full demonstration of how I do my own nails!
This will include not only an explanation of how I do my regular, natural nails, but also how to create your own fake nails from a cheap and very widely available material!
Those of you who know me might already know what I am talking about: ping pong balls!
In this livestream, I will be demonstrating my take on the David Russell ping pong nail method, which I was fortunate enough to learn from him during my studies at Royal Academy of Music, where he was one of our visiting professors.
Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:
We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!
- What questions do you have on this topic?
- Any particular area you would like us to focus on?
Fingernails: Most guitarists use them, but is there a method for shaping them that will guarantee a good sound? What tools should we use for natural nails? What can we do if they are weak, brittle or unusually shaped? Should we give fake nails a shot? All this and more will be covered in this livestream with tonebase instructor Mircea Gogoncea. This show will demonstrate a few methods for shaping both natural and fake nails, including a full live walkthrough for making our own fake nails from a cheap and widely available material: ping pong balls!
Hi, Mircea.
I´ve been struggling with my fingernails for some time. I decided to cut them off for Christmas and let them grow from scratch. Last week I shaped them putting sandpaper on the strings. My problem is threefold:
- My m finger likes to make great noises whenever I prepare (plant) it.
- I can´t play with i/m/a on the lower strings with without the provervial scratchy sound.
- I can´t play regular steady tremolo (as I used to).
I know all the typical solutions. I´ve tried every sort of polish materials, shape, length and attack angle.
Any miracle for the Holy Week? THANK YOU!!
P.S. Please forget about the pinky. The nail is horrible, but I´ve not been using it lately. Also, feel free not to answer all of this. I don´t want to monoplolize your time, and maybe your lesson will clarify everything for me anyway.
One thing that is often overlooked is the differences in finger lengths. Most people have a longer m finger, which presents that finger to the string at a different angle than the i and a fingers. For me, if I'm keeping the large knuckle (MCP joint) over the string with a slightly arched wrist, my m finger is at around a 115-130 deg to the plane of the strings/top and my i and a fingers are about 90-100 deg. It took me way too long to learn that this meant my m finger could function better with a shorter nail. I like to keep my tip joints (DIP joint) firm, but I have noticed that some players will compensate for this difference in length by letting that joint collapse a little bit and that then equalizes the three finger angles. Many are unaware they are doing this, but I've watched several videos that prove to me they do it for free strokes. See the video I attached.