WEEK THREE Updates: Main Thread - The Golden Sound of Tárrega
Hellooo, everyone, and welcome to WEEK THREE - the final Main Thread for this challenge!
Where is the Week 1 and Week 2 thread?
Find the Week 1 thread here and Week 2 thread here!
Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
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Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
I am working this week on 2 new pieces. Speaking about challenges: Did any one of you ever try prelude No. 2? Tarrega dedicated this one to ‘his student’ (mi queridisimo discipulo) Llobet ! the guy with these huge hands….
- One thing you found easy: key and rhythmical patterns. Look at the opening and ending bars and it looks okay. (Except this stretch within V pos. barre, hard for small hands). Moderate tempo, no rhythmical complexities The melodic structure is clear: a dialogue between bass- and upper voice.
- One thing you found difficult: the piece runs through crazy modulations in no time, very far from the original A-minor, to A sharp minor, and then back again also within just a few bars. Some crazy shifts and chromatic moves. Keeping the balance and the harmonic structure intact is truly a challenge for me….
I hope to find time tomorrow for a basic recording…..
Well, once again I am blown away by so many beautiful interpretations of Tarrega's music. This challenge has helped me so much I cannot express how grateful I am. As for me, I am really enjoying the two pieces I selected (Preludes 5 and 1, in that order).
- One thing you found easy: Remembering the pieces, which is usually very hard for me.
- One thing you found difficult: getting the sound I am looking for: i.e. a clear, balanced tone.
Thank you again to all. I hope to share a piece when I figure out how to do it (I should have added that under "what I found difficult")
I've been away for a few days but took my guitar and managed a few short (very short) practices of Danza Mora. I've learnt all of the notes but the hard part is putting them all together in the right order at the right time! I've also re-visited El Columpio after a long time. Hope to post a video over the weekend.
I haven't managed to reply to all of the wonderful videos I've watched in the forum but congratulations and a huge well done to all of the people that have contributed to this challenge
Piece I played: Mazurka en Sol (one of my favorites that nobody has done so far)
What was easy: I love it so much that is was a joy to work on it. When I would finish it, all I'd want to do was play it again (and again, and again ...).
What was difficult: I could not get the slurs in measure 7 to sound good, so I plucked all the notes. The stretch in beat 3 of measure 21 is really hard for me. The long glissando in measure 22 was hard to pull off as well.
By the way, GSI recently released a video of Pepe Romero playing this that is fantastic. If you go listen to it, though, please don't listen to mine until much later as mine will suffer greatly in comparison!