"Alza-púa(?)" technique for i-m-a fingers or combination

Hi, Tonebase staff and community!! 


i wanted to share for a while now a technique that I developed -though i'm not claiming fatherhood to this idea, as it seems to have surficed in many ways in different places at more or less the same time- with Luigi Biscaldi (Angelo Gilardino's assistent teacher) when i was studying under Angelo in the 2000s. 


Though it's not exactly the same movement as the alza-púa (as the wrist is not involved) the technique is built to resolve repeted pair or trios of notes in chord form with i-m and a fingers. 


This plectrum-like  way of performing repeated chords allows for a very relaxed legato, distinct and rapid attack over repeated chords and can be combined also with thumb's alza-púa to perform 4 note repeated chords. 


In my carreer, I have used this over a wild amount of different musical works with splendid results and i'll be happy to share more about it if any of you are interested. I leave you some links for you to hear the results of this technique: 


in this video, the Ponce variation with repeated chords for the Folia's theme


here, the repeated chords from Britten's March-like variation from Nocturnal



I have used it also in music by Sor (repeated thirds), Villa-Lobos (rythmical acompaingnement), Turina, Brouwer, Mertz, Legnani, Gilardino, pick your choose...


I find it strange that this technique is not yet teached all over at conservatories as part of the sylllabus as much as the thumb use as capotasto as shown by Gian Marco Ciampa in one of Tonebase's videos. I hope that this post will arise your interest in this technique!!  

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    • Ariel Elijovich
    • Performer, Teacher @Conservatory M. de Falla and member of Nuntempe Ensamble GQ
    • Ariel.1
    • 9 mths ago
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    Another exemplified use in Vilĺa-Lobos' Prelude n°1


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    • Oscar
    • Oscar_t
    • 7 days ago
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    Bravo, Ariel. I have never seen this approach before; this idea is very creative. Thank you for sharing it with us. As a first attempt, I find it challenging to maintain the stability of the right hand. How do you recommend approaching this technique?

      • Ariel Elijovich
      • Performer, Teacher @Conservatory M. de Falla and member of Nuntempe Ensamble GQ
      • Ariel.1
      • 7 days ago
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      Oscar Hi Oscar! glad you are interested in this! I have a video on Facebook showing this technique further and with a little introduction to how to start approaching it. Here's the link and let me know if I can help you in any other way.  https://www.facebook.com/ariel.elijovich/videos/1388979948540208  

    • Oscar
    • Oscar_t
    • 7 days ago
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    I find it remarkable how you managed to even both attacks; I will give it a try since this is much easier to do than repeated chords.

    I noticed you play a Mazza guitar. I tried a double top in Madrid, a 20 aniversario last year. I was stunned by the quality, playability and possibilities that open such a great instrument. How do you like it? Is it lattice?  

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