
Technology Enthusiast and Guitarist
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Joined: 26 Dec 2019
I am a software engineer at day, then the rest of the time I will be playing my guitar.
I believe that If people want to be good at something , it requires willpower, time, effort, but most important opportunity, and a compass to have them on right direction (not necessarily school). I believe people could be self taught or educated If they have the right tools and mentality. At the same time I believe no one is 100% self taught! and on the contrary I believe some abilities you cannot teach no matter what you do (for example having a perfect pitch cannot be taught in conservatory nor by yourself).
I believe guitar Transcriptions are a blessing and sometimes a curse. I would always love to have less layers between original composer and the player. I would love to play Albeniz on guitar. I would love to use a Transcription which is one layer, But I will not like using another layer on the top of that (some edits and fingerings).


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