What's on Your Stand?

Hello tonebuddies!

Let's dive into a bit of musical show-and-tell! You’re invited to share a picture of what’s on your music stand!

Whether it's the sheet music of a challenging piece, a beloved etude, or perhaps a well-worn method book, your stand is a reflection of your current musical journey. Snap a photo of your music stand setup and share it with the community. Are there any quirky accessories, favorite pencils, or lucky charms that accompany you during practice?

Let's celebrate what you’re practicing, the notes scribbled in the margins, and the marks of a well-practiced passage. Your stand setup might just inspire someone else's practice space makeover!

So, grab your camera and take a snapshot of what’s on your stand! 📸🎶✨

Share your picture below! ⬇️

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    • LennyB
    • LennyB
    • 8 mths ago
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    Going back to Bach’s Chaconne. Revisiting fingerings, phrasings and trying to understand the depth of the music. Stephen Goss’ Tonebase interview was the kickstart I needed. 

    • Michael
    • Michael.30
    • 8 mths ago
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    Here's mine, the theme being fairly melancholy music, as you can see. I have a whole bunch of stuff I am working on, but these two are my favourites at the moment. 

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  • finished a busy season in June.  went right to new music, working on cello/guitar duos: Arpeggione, de Falla 7 Spanish songs, Boccherini G.4 Sonata, Piazzolla History of the Tango.  

    Solo: From a Bird suite by John Williams, and the fabulous Western Vista by Olga Amelkina-Vera. That's some of it.   

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  • Working on a cd project with music of Castelnuovo-Tedesco, my second album dedicated to this composer. For me his guitar works are the best of the best of the repertoire. Aways technically demanding but boy what a great musical satisfaction it brings me.... This project will contain 6 Caprichos de Goya and the Variations through the centuries.


    By the way, the first album I recorded contains 20 pieces from "Platero and I" and can be listened to on josdurkstra.bandcamp.com, where you can also find other projects by me in other styles.

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    • Jos Durkstra Wow, that's a big project! Hey do you know his granddaughter Diana? I've been communicating with her for a few years when I play the Op. 99 concerto. She really appreciates knowing when his works are being performed. email me at [email protected] and I will e-introduce you to each other.

    • Dave McLellan That's very nice of you. Yes I had contact with Diana about the Platero project. She mentions it in an article about Platero on mariocastelnuovotedesco.com. She is very friendly and she appreciated my approach very much. Thanks for reacting.

    • Jos Durkstra oh, excellent! she's a real honey!     

  • Hi everyone, I hope to take grade 8 performance grade over here in the UK this year so working on some Villa Lobos, Bach and Tarrega.

    • Mark Thirlwell Good Luck!  do great!     

    • Dave McLellan thank you Dave

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 wk ago
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      Randy Wimer Very interesting collection Randy. I have a couple of comments and questions. I assume Blue Finger is the Jerry Reed tune. I used to play that years ago and this might inspire me to take it back up. I really like Reed's music. I am o(on the verge of 😉) working up Jiffy Jam by him - especially the version by Masa Sumide. Another of his pieces I really like is Foggy Bottom performed by Brooks Robertson.

      What are the transcriptions of the other popular pieces (esp; While my guitar, Wind Cries Mary, and What a Day for a Daydream) and the jazz piece Goodbye Pork Pie Hat?

      I am also curious about the 'Prelude and Blues'.

      Thanks for sharing your list.

    • Jack Stewart Thanks, Jack. Blue Finger is great; it and "The Claw" are the only 2 Jerry Reed tunes currently in my repertoire. This was a set list for a performance last Friday and it was on the stand so I could do timings and check my memory in a few places, etc. I do all my own arrangements and am really, really inconsistent about writing them down. And, I'm afraid none of the ones you mention have had that distinction. I will say, though I do my own arrangements, I do get inspired by others' versions. About half of Goodbye Pork Pie Hat is from McLaughlin's version on My Goals Beyond. Prelude and Blues in an original and is written out. You can hear it on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEXNUkmukpQ Daydream is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n59kQCL4Yq0 - I do channel a bit of Jerry Reed on that arrangement. Let me know if you like the Prelude and I'll be happy to email you a copy of score.

  • A trio (Albeniz), a quartet (Brouwer), Rodrigo and Bach…

    My trio partners are in Holland, the quartet in Belgium., lots of traveling, but it’s so nice to play chamber music.

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    • joosje Sounds delightful! I don’t know if it is possible to record any of those and post them here, but I do know that I would love to hear them.

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 wk ago
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      joosje Wow Joosje! What a challenging collection of works! BWV 997 is a wonderful work which I have never attempted (on my wish list but I am so slow at learning pieces I don't k now if I will ever get to it). The Rodrigo is also an amazing work which I could never dream of attempting. And anything in chamber terrifies me. The Brouwer piece is great - I listened to a YT of it since it was completely unfamiliar to me. I share Eric's wish to hear your performance of these pieces.

    • Jack Stewart Eric Phillips 

      I will try to record some of this.

      Brouwer wrote 4 ‘Cuban landscapes’. 
      ‘with rain’ is for guitar quartet, the others are solo: ‘con campanas’, ‘con fiesta’ and ‘con rumba’. We are going to perform the quartet this spring. I planned campanas for next autumn…

      Bach is on the way, I memorized half way and will only record as soon as I have memorized the complete prelude.

      Rodrigo, yes Jack Stewart, is a real big challenge. I’m practicing it at slow (40%) tempo now, so it needs time…..

      I always need lots of time and it’s always a challenge to get my pieces to an acceptable (as for recording) level. And then it’s another challenge to make a more or less acceptable recording,….

      Our performance of the Albeniz Evocation for guitar trio last Saturday at the ProGuitarra fiesta in Ede (Netherlands), was quite nice. I enjoy playing chamber music.p, it’s more fun to play together.

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  • On my stand: Die Technik der modernen Konzert Gitarre (Technique of the Modern Concert Guitar) and a Rondeau by S.L. Weiss.  When I’m finished with the last one I’ll attack a piece bij Ludovico Roncalli…..

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