Jesu Joy O Man's Desiring - Kevin's Practice Diary
I want to do this piece because it's beautiful and up until this year, I never considered it a Christmas tune. This would be my first actual Christmas tune I've learned on Classical Guitar. And truthfully, I couldn't think of a better one.
Goal: Be able to play through it "perfectly"
Part 1 Analysis:
I picked up these pointers for basic analysis from David Krupka from another thread. I like this because it's a simple approach and I need simple
1. Key Signature is G Major
2. Time Signature 9/8
3. Structure: My best guess is ABAA'A
4. Repeated Motifs: I see a main melodic theme with a Chord progression decending-acending back to variations on the main theme then the end. The melody is a consistent wave like motion throughout. Very pretty
5. Potential problems: For me I think is deciding on the fingerings. As I play it I think it's important for me to have a consistent right hand finger pattern for most of the melody so it's automatic. For the left hand, making the transitions smooth being faithful to the note value.
Part 2 Mark the Fingerings
I completed this. My goodness my score is becoming messy . Until Tonebase
I was never really taught how to mark up a score. My past sheets are very clean maybe a fingering here or there since I usually followed the fingerings suggested. But, because of what I learned from Thomas Viloteau's Lagrima class, I realized that I have to own my abilities and find what's best for me and my body. That suggestions are only suggestions and not commands. And nothing is set in stone, I can change anything that doesn't work....very freeing for my rigid brain.
So I spent a few days going through the piece before I actually started working on it (first time ever) as instructed by Thomas, at full tempo. And I already feel like I have accomplished a lot.
Part 3 Practicing / Correcting Mistakes
Here is where I am currently, working on Part A. I will put together a video for each part as I complete it and hopefully in the not too distant future I will produce a video of me playing it through "perfectly" (hate that word - lol)
If you have made it this far....my humble thanks