SUBMIT SHEET MUSIC EXCERPTS for Week 3's Livestream Here!
Hey everyone, so like the rules thread says, in the Week 3 Livestream: Excerpt Clinic" (May 17th), we will be looking at excerpts you suggest, yourself.
These can be from standard repertoire pieces or from pieces I've never seen before. Submit the sheet music for these excerpts here and I will feature them in-stream!
Feel free to choose something related to one or more difficult scales, arpeggios, hard-to-coordinate passages, or anything else you need technical help with.
I will provide one or more possible fingering solutions, technical tips, or a practice roadmap for you.
↓ Reply below with your submissions and questions! ↓
Hi Mircea! My submission is this Mertz Op. 23 No. 6 Capriccio. I used to have in my repertoire and I’d like to bring it back. I remember struggling with mm. 24&25 so before I tackle it again I’d like some RH fingerings that really work. Right now in m. 24 it’s pmpipmim but I wonder if pmpipapm might work better, or whatever you think. Thanks!
Hey Mircea, sorry for the late submission - I thought we were to play our selections and I hadn't made a recording yet. I just now realized you're asking for just the scores.
I have been having trouble with a couple (or more) passages in Sauguet's Solilique. The first passage begins at the bottom of page 2 onto the top of page 3 especially coming into the chord at the end of the first system on page 3. The other passage is the 2nd system on page 4 leading to and thru the chord towards the end of that line. It is quite stretch!
I've included all 4 pages just for context.