Public Space: Building Left-Hand Finger Independence and Flexibility with Bokyung Byun!

Building Left-Hand Finger Independence and Flexibility with Bokyung Byun!

Have you noticed that in the left hand, one finger sometimes drags the others along when playing? Is playing contrapuntal lines challenging for you? This means your left hand lacks finger independence. Without finger independence, your fingers will tense up when stretching or playing fast passages. Join the intensive to build left-hand finger independence and flexibility together through a variety of exercises and excerpts.

  • Course Period: September 19 - 30

First Task: Say Hello to Everybody!

Week 1 Assignments:

Practice the following three exercises and share a video of yourself performing them!

1. Slur exercises

2. Odair’s favorite drill

3. Finger independence exercise #1 from Pumping Nylon and its variation

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    • Nick
    • Nick.2
    • 2 yrs ago
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    thank you I will give these a go

    Like 1
  • Great exercises. Am signed or am I just open space with out being able to video?

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      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      peter hancock Hi Peter! This is the public space of the Two Week Intensive! Let me investigate your Email issue, I will follow up on this!

  • Bokung Byun - I loved your concert in St. Louis on Saturday. So much joy in your program explanations and your performance. Wishing you best of luck in the rest of your tour.


    Thank you for coaching us in these important exercises.

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      • Bo Byun
      • Bo_Byun
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Martha Kreipke Hi Martha! Thank you so much for your kind words. I really enjoyed playing for the concert in St. Louis. I hope to see you again :-)

  • Hello Everyone.   Thanks for posting this.   I haven’t opened my pumping nylon book in awhile and this just reminded me how many good exercises their are in this book.  Here is my odair exercise.  

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      • Nick
      • Nick.2
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Mike Hassan thanks for posting that. I was unclear it was supposed to move up the neck. I will change how I do it now

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    • Dylan
    • Dylan
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hey thanks for the post Mike Hassan , those kind of exercise are extremely useful. There is a wonderful course from Artyom Dervoed on Tonebase speaking about those kind of exercises "Spider stuff".

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    • Dylan Yes !  I love that course by artyom.    He some really good technical stuff their for improving left/right hand strength.  I incorporate a lot of those exercises in my daily routine.  

    • Ronnull
    • Ron.3
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Thank you - I've found these very useful - are there any week 2 assigments?

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