Group 4

This Two Week Intensives will cover the essential techniques of staccato, portato, and legato for guitar players. Staccato involves playing notes in a short, detached manner, while legato involves playing notes smoothly and connected. Portato is a style that falls between staccato and legato, with slightly detached but still connected notes. The class will also delve into the development of left-hand technique that you need for proper articulation!
Sanel Redžić is one of the most promising and virtuoso guitarists of the younger
generation, who has created an important name on the international scene, having a wide
repertoire from baroque to modern music.
Sanel currently teaches at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Weimar and at
the University of Erfurt in Germany. He is also artistic director and founder of Tuzla Guitar
Week in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
- Scales (major with parallel melodic minor scares)
- Leo Brouwer - Etude Nr. 1
- Agustin Barrios - Mangore - 3rd movement of La Catedral
- Fernando Sor - Etude Op. 35, No. 22 (Segovia No. 5)
- Any other example by participants
Assignment Videos
I compiled a playlist with 5 Videos! More Videos will come :)
- Video 1: Intro
- Video 2: C Major scale with i-m
- Video 3: C Major scale with p
- Video 4: Arpeggios
- Video 5: Brouwer no.1
- Submit a video containing either one or several of the exercises. For example, start with a simple C major scale playing once as legato as possible, repeat with portamento and then one last time with staccato. Please tell us what articulation you were aiming for!
- Feel free to apply the learnings to either Brouwer Etude no.1 or your own repertoire!
Feel free to ask questions in a written reply and/or add them to your video!
Assignment Week 2:
- Read and play through the piece provided by Sanel and play the basses staccato and the upper voices legato!
Hello Sanel and everyone,
Here is my attempt on the exercise.
I have attempted all the exercises in Exercise 1 and 2 below in the following order:
a Legato using i and m
b Portato
c Staccato using the left hand
d Staccato using the I and m fingers
e Staccato using the thumb
I find it difficult to maintain legato when shifting position. I guess this is down to practice.
Below is the arpeggio exercise.
I find this difficult to do. After many hours of practice, I think I am getting some passable results. I can do the majority of the staccatos, and many I missed particularly when the thumb has to make a large movement, e.g. moving from D string to the E string, then I sometime missed stopping the D string.
I have not posted my attempt on Brouwer Etude no 1 as find it very difficult to play it with staccato bass note. My difficulty is that my other finger automatically come to stop the other strings when I come to stop the bass note with my thumb. I am trying to figure out how to overcome this.
Dear Sanel thank you very much for your comments. I' continue working on scales and arpeggios and try to apply these techniques more consciously to my repertoire. I have a question regarding the reoertoire pieces you suggested.
For me the Sor op 31 nr22 is a very legato piece all the way. That's at least the way I play it. Are you suggesting to vary the articulation for practice purpose?
Then the Barrios allegro (I never really played it, but I started trying to read and interpret). You could play the basses in the repeated chords at the first section somehow portato or staccato., but that feels very uncomfortable and difficult at the tempo. The B section also allows for the repeated bars to be played with echo and staccato effect,. Could you enlighten us on what you suggest to work on with these pieces?
articulation 4
Please find the Link for the Zoom Check-In here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81989847038
We will meet on Monday, January 23rd at 11 am PT
Hello everybody, here is the link to the TWI Check-In: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/FlyI5OTHLwiErYmDHHdDxRFZcYVmbGP49oy0YjIQUtjPuTNmOyxbxtfmr3QPp4MX.yZuyg8MX0Bxz0xM5
articulation 4
The Dwarfs Dance. I id a first read through and recorded parts of it. It's not an easy assignment.
The sound in my recording is weird. I had to do this in the kitchen (we had another event in the house)
What I find difficult: where the bass is coinciding with syncopated chords, it's hard not to mute the chord together with the bass note. I'll practice more slowly on that.
The ending of the piece is tricky. To play the bass legato and the m and i staccato (at very short distance from the the thumb). I didn't even try to record it yet.
Funny thing is that I can't add the YouTube links as usual, now that I'm working on my phone. You can see the links but without the 'preview'. I hope you can open them