Blasphemous fingerings to mend Brouwer's mistake in notation for Estudio Simple 2
As part of the great TWI course with Arturo Castro Nogueras we worked on Left Hand relaxation and one of the tasks was studying over Brouwer's Study n°2.
I have a history of liking to change score fingerings to fit my desired interpretations. We all do, from a certain level up. Fingerings compose in great part the resulting interpretation. It's never the same to do a slur than an cross string. A levare sounds different if done in the same string or a different one and so on.
So, based on some questions and videos on Brouwer's Estudio n°2, i thought about sharing with you my blasphemous fingerings to correct Leo's notation mistake about bass duration. This is of course my interpretation. You may very well decided to make all bass notes short length. But since i think longer sounds better... (what should never be is that G basses last shorter because they are not open strings!)
And another aesthetical error, in my opinion, the open stringed GBE chord in the development section. It doesn't fit well, specialy if you feel like adding a nice vibrato to the whole piece.
I notice fingerings on simple studies like these are almost never put into question, which is clearly a pedagogical mistake, so I hope this post will be usefull to you, not only in providing a new fingering idea for a study everybody plays but also maybe a virus of rebellion to become a little more playful and mindful about original written fingerings in the score.
Let me know!