Public Space: Right-Hand Cross-String with Tengyue Zhang aka TY


  • Watch the first of three video and practice the exercise "Cross String by Thirds"
  • When you're feeling comfortable, share a recording and discuss with your peers!

All About String Crossings with TY!

If you conquer the cross-string training, you can play any scales or passages in music with ease, power, and confidence. This training course aims to provide exercises to enhance our right-hand rest-stroke cross-string abilities with details on how to practice and both hands' fingerings. We will have three assignments plus one bonus exercise for those who are finished early!

About TY

The highlight of TY Zhang’s international career was the Grand Prize of the 2017 Guitar Foundation of American International Concert Artist Competition (GFA-ICAC), known as the most prestigious guitar contest in the world. TY become the first Chinese to be honored with this prize. His win was followed by a tour with over 50 concerts in the U.S., including his Carnegie Hall debut. In 2018, TY released his solo album with Naxos company as the Laureate Series · Guitar Recital. It was praised as: “one of the most talented young players… I’m struck by the extraordinary levels of mastery, comfort and relative ease.” - Classical Guitar Magazine.


  • Course Period: November 14th - 25th



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    • martinTeam
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    • martin.3
    • 1 yr ago
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    Here are the next two assignment videos including the scores to all exercices!

    • Beatriz
    • Bea
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hello. I wrote this question to TY on the two week course announcement page and no one answered me. Could you please try to get TY to answer it?:


    If possible, I have a question:
    The crossed strings are difficult for us because it is easier to go towards the low strings with a short index finger and go down towards the high strings with a long middle finger or is it because the natural position, the anatomical one (i in 3rd, m in 2nd and a in 1st) and getting out of that position makes it more difficult to play?
    Which is the right answer? Both? None?
    Many thanks!!!

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