Week 2: Develop // Mar 29th

Welcome to Week 2's main thread! Here you can find the outline of materials and sample exercises to get you started. Then, post your finished exercises (either all at once or one at a time depending on your work flow.) Please use the following format when posting:


- Type(s) of development exercises used:

- Things you found easy:

- Things you found difficult:


Feel free to include any other thoughts in your post! 

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  • These techniques are great but I think it's better to feel the music and use your creativity first, and use them when you are really stuck or want to develop it more. 

    I created a strange melody and developed it into a horror movie soundtrack.  

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    • Gokce Turkmendag Good job, Gokce! It does sound like a horror movie.

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      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gokce Turkmendag Great demonstration of the techniques! When's the movie being released? I agree with you totally about creativity. Each time I've started out with something to try to use a particular technique but ended up following some creative whim!

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gokce Turkmendag Hi Gocke! You did the assignment as it was supposed to be done! Great work. I'd give you an A plus. I like how you showed everything explained and then incorporated it into a cool piece. Cape Fear 2 haha!

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    • Gokce Turkmendag so nice, Gokce. There’s a lot you can do with these motifs 

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    • Gokce Turkmendag very creative! it definitely has a "mood" to it. It was pretty effective how it began as a monophonic line, because when that bass finally enters it's so satisfying 👌 and I agree that ideas should be borne from creativity and the soul, first! 

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    • Gokce Turkmendag 

      Thanks for sharing! The “horror movie” mood, I felt it more in the second part of your piece. I also enjoyed a lot the way you end it 😊

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    • Gokce Turkmendag really nice, you have succeeded in making it sounds like a horror movie :)

    • Marek Tabisznull
    • retired guitar teacher
    • Marek_Tabisz
    • 3 yrs ago
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    For now, I have played with the invented motive. I don't have a special talent for coming up with melodies, but I'm going to turn these sketches into something more attractive. For now only exercises ... Then - if I can, I'll record it - here only a computer generated mockup.
    It's nice that many of us "accelerate" quite seriously 😉👋

    • Marek Tabisz I enjoyed those a lot, Marek! 

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Marek Tabisz Marek, I think motifs are melodies and you did a great job! 

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    • Marek Tabisz love these  pieces. They sound familiar, and new at the same time.

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    • Marek Tabisz I think the motive has a potential to be developed into a whole piece, you should work on that!

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      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      joosje Yes! 😄😄 Now I realized it reminds me "Oriental" by Granados!!  😂😂

      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gokce Turkmendag You're right, I think the same but - for now - have no idea what to do next, somehow I have no inspiration (maybe this Easter is making me lazy?) The state for today is that I wrote a few things that after an hour I considered nonsense and I do not know if anything can be done by Tuesday - I will fight!

    • Marek Tabisz really great work coming up with multiple ideas with this one motive, you're creating a lot of useful material for yourself. Many times we are too hard on ourselves or have too high expectations and dismiss the effectiveness of simplicity. keep it up, it's going along nicely!

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      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ashley (Ash) Lucero thank you, i feel motivated 😉

    • Ronnull
    • Ron.3
    • 3 yrs ago
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    So I started out trying to incorporate some more of the techniques, but as usual I strayed off the path and ended up with this! I will try to analyze what I did but I thought I'd just share it anyway. Not sure it's actually playable!

    • Ron This is great, Ron! It sounds rather choral.

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      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ron great! Not everything playable - I think - but I like it :-)

      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric Thanks Eric. I'm going to try for something totally different next!

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      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Marek Tabisz Thanks Marek - yes I didn't get chance to try it so I'm not surprised!

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ron nice chordal arrangement Ron! I stray as well ;)

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    • Ron  very nice melodic piece. Some stretches are awkward for guitarists, but the ideas are clear and well written I really like it

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    • Ron charming! and remember, that when we write without consideration of the guitar, some really great ideas can be borne from that! 

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