Week 2: Develop // Mar 29th

Welcome to Week 2's main thread! Here you can find the outline of materials and sample exercises to get you started. Then, post your finished exercises (either all at once or one at a time depending on your work flow.) Please use the following format when posting:


- Type(s) of development exercises used:

- Things you found easy:

- Things you found difficult:


Feel free to include any other thoughts in your post! 

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  • I tried to write 2 themes which are connecte through a modulation section. It is in A B A form (I guess, hihi).

    • Thomas thank you so much for sharing, I can't wait to take a listen!

    • Thomas some really solid structural work is at play here, well done! The contour of your piece is interesting and well balanced. Can't wait to hear more!

    • Thomas also, it reminds me somewhat of the old Irish tunes, what were your influences?

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    • Thomas 

      Great job! I enjoyed a lot!

      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Thomas I really love it! It's very catchy!

    • Ashley (Ash) Lucero Yes, it's true! Recently I listened to guitarists like Tony McManus (https://www.tonymcmanus.com) during a trip Scotland. I come from a classical background - but Tony obviously has influence on this piece of music. Thanks!

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    • José Espírito Santo 

      thank you! :-)

    • Debbie thank you! :-)

  • Hello everyone! 

    Wow, we covered a lot in the livestream today, but not everything I would have liked to but we have 3 more weeks so that's GREAT! 🤩Don't forget to follow this thread. 

    Attached to this post are the materials we talked about today PLUS 7 example exercises to help get you started. If you are still having trouble thinking of how to start, LET ME KNOW! I'm here for YOU! 

    Can't wait to see what ya'll come up with, honestly!!! 🥳

      • Roni Glasernull
      • Classical guitarist and composer
      • roniglaser
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ashley (Ash) Lucero Great, thanks for the materials!

      I appreciate you not skimping on terminology, it'll help us a lot to talk about what we're doing. And make sure we all use the same terms.

      The exercises all look cool too!

      Exciting stuff!😀

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      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ashley (Ash) Lucero Ashley thank you for a great workshop last night and for the notes which are really useful. Hopefully I will have chance to use them tonight!

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    • Roni Glaser yes! I'm hoping that soon we can all be composition nerds speaking a whole new language together soon 😎

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    •  Ron I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Keep us updated on your progress, please!! :)

      • Emmanull
      • Emma
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric It is very bright! It is a very line that can give you tons of ideas to start building from it. I like it a lot!!!

      Like 2
    • Eric I admire your ability to examine your process and articulate what is or isn't happening, it's a great trait for a creator! I don't find this idea "predictable" honestly, I think it's very intriguing and in need for some more development and slightly less exact repetition. I would hold onto this idea if I were you! 

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      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric I love the quirky hook. It's unusual in a good way. 

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  • I know the etude imitation is done now, but I'd just like to post another one I did. It somewhat imitates Sor's Op 60 No 16 (which I love).

    • Eric Wow!

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      • Emmanull
      • Emma
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric it sounds so good! I will try it on the guitar when I am back!

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    • Eric charming with a twist of sophistication and intellect, indeed. just like Sor! Well done :)

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    • Eric 

      Quite nice! I enjoyed more the first part of it!

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    • Eric superb!

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    • Wow! What a beautiful piece you are writing, Eric! Bravo! :)

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